Women dread their time of the month because it induces several issues, including pain, discomfort, and lethargy. However, some women have to deal with more severe problems, such as debilitating cramps, dizziness, and mood swings. While some women have mild and forgiving cramps that allow them to carry on with their lives, others aren’t so lucky. But, what if 1 gram of dabs could solve your cramping issues? The rampant legalization of marijuana across Europe and North America has opened the doors for various alternative medicines. Within the cannabis industry, experts believe that as little as 1 gram of dabs containing Delta-8 flower can help alleviate the pain associated with period cramps. Read on to learn more about Delta-8 dabs and how they can potentially help women end their period struggles.

What are period cramps?
No woman loves her time of the month because it produces several uncomfortable problems, including cramps and pain. However, some women enjoy milder side effects that don’t affect their everyday lives, whereas others have truly debilitating experiences during those five days a month. Some women have to deal with painful conditions, such as interstitial cystitis and endometriosis, which turn period cramps into nightmares.
Female bodies prepare for pregnancy by initiating the menstrual cycle, and when pregnancy doesn’t occur, the body expels built-up tissue through periods. As a result, this process causes a reduction in estrogen levels, resulting in mood swings, insomnia, pain, and acne. Period cramps result when uterine muscles try to push out or expel the built-up tissue and mass, and women may also experience back pain and headaches. These discomforts, coupled with nausea, muscle fatigue, bowel problems, lethargy, and mood swings, make periods a challenging time for all women. However, this can change shortly, thanks to Delta-8 dabs. Let us now look at what this variant of THC does and why it is different.
What is Delta-8 THC?
Delta-8 tetrahydrocannabinol is a chemical compound found within the Cannabis Sativa plant that possesses various medicinal and therapeutic properties. Unlike its close relative Delta-9 THC, it does not produce severe psychoactive and mind-altering side effects, making it safer for extended use. However, Delta 8 does possess medicinal properties, making it an analgesic, antiemetic, appetite stimulant, and anxiolytic. Thanks to a tiny change in chemical structure and formulation, the Delta-8 has a lower psychoactive potency when compared to Delta-9, commonly referred to as THC. Hence, while the latter is responsible for the intoxication people associate with cannabis, Delta-8 or D-8 soothes and prevents such problems.
Delta-8 can prevent anxiety, nausea, vomiting, and pain without causing any mind-altering hallucinations. As a result, it falls between cannabidiol and tetrahydrocannabinol when it comes to psychoactive properties. The compound binds to the same cannabinoid receptors like THC but does so with lower affinity leading to significantly dialed back side effects. Hence, most consumers feel calmer and more focused when using Delta-8 than marijuana.
What makes Delta-8 different?
Since these products contain less than 0.3% THC, products containing Delta-8 are legal everywhere CBD is, thanks to the 2018 Farm Bill. However, some states still have local laws that ban the marketing and sale of hemp products, including cannabidiol and Delta-8. As a result, such products are not legal in Nevada, Utah, Nebraska, Idaho, and Iowa, to name a few. The primary difference between Delta-8 and Delta-9 variants is regarding the placement of a double bond. While this bond falls on the eighth carbon atom in the former, it exists on the ninth in the latter, creating differences in their absorption and affect.
As a result of this minor structural change, the former can bind to both CB1 and CB2 receptors, whereas THC interacts only with the CB1 receptor. Hence, Delta-8 produces some of the same side effects as cannabidiol, which binds with both receptors. Many consumers prefer skipping on THC as it brings several negative emotions and triggers, unlike CBD or D8. However, consumers can safely ingest Delta-8 without worrying about paranoia, anxiety, depression, cloudy thinking, fogginess, or dry eyes. In most users, D8 products induce a clearer buzz that uplifts them while also improving their mental clarity, focus, and concentration.
What is Dabbing?
Due to the rise in popularity of D8, the market contains several products that have Delta-8 extracts in varying forms. Concentrates and dabs have the highest potency as they possess the purest forms of D8. Unlike ordinary THC, manufacturers cannot produce crumbles, shatters, and wax with D8 without adding other cannabinoids to the mix. Hence, most products on the market feature CBC, CBN, CBD, and CBG, along with D8. However, this is beneficial to users as it produces and encourages the entourage effect, wherein a combination of cannabinoids and terpenes are more effective than singular extracts.
Dabbing is a recommended ingestion method used by experienced consumers, wherein they vaporize D8 concentrates and then inhales them. As a result, even 1 gram of dabs can pack a mighty punch due to the higher concentration the body absorbs while inhaling vapors. Consumers vaporize high-dosage concentrates, and so even as little as 1 gram of dabs goes a long way. Consumers need the following elements to dab D8 successfully.
- Dab ring, which works like a bong
- Nail, wherein you can place the D8 concentrate or dab.
- Dabber to place the concentrate on the nail.
- Cigar torch to heat the nail
How can D8 Dabs Help with Period Cramps?
- The potent analgesic properties of D8 help reduce the pain associated with cramping. They also work as anti-inflammatory agents, helping reduce the tenderness and swelling of the abdominal and uterine muscles. Additionally, blocking pain signals from reaching neurotransmitters within the brain can help us feel more at ease and pain-free.
- It calms our nerves and improves our sleep patterns to prevent insomnia and minimize fatigue. Receiving the required rest can help women function better throughout the day and counter feeling burnt out. These products help reduce stress within the body and prevent free-radical or oxidative damage, enabling the body to focus on healing.
- The relaxing properties of this compound enable it to elevate and stabilize our moods, preventing mood swings. These cannabinoids can boost serotonin production and absorption by interacting with cannabinoid receptors, countering low levels within the body. As a result, it can help keep lethargy, mood swings, irritation, and depression at bay, enabling women to feel lighter and better during their periods.
- It can energize and improve mental clarity and focus, allowing women to work and stay productive during their periods. Cannabinoids also help ensure that our hormone fluctuation isn’t too extreme by regulating their production and absorption.
- Period cramps can also cause bloating and other gastrointestinal issues, making it difficult to digest food and absorb nutrients. When your abdominal muscles swell, you feel heavy, leading to various muscular and vascular aches throughout the body. Using D8 dabs can ease such symptoms and prevent nausea, bloating, pains and inflammation.
Closing Thoughts
As you can see, Delta-8 dabs can help women feel better during their periods by alleviating several symptoms associated with menstruation. As little as 1 gram of dabs can help women work their way through periods without feeling any debilitating side effects. Are you willing to try D8 dabs to improve your period cramps? If so, let us know which ones you are looking forward to buying and how they helped you!