Dyslexia is a mental health condition that makes it tough for parents to make the right decision for their dyslexic children. The major concern of the parents is to improve the learning ability of their dyslexic child, so the child can learn and grow just like other healthy children of the same age group.
To many people, dyslexia seems to be a complicated disorder. Catching the signs and symptoms of the disorder seems to be tough for many parents. Parents who are unaware of the condition usually take more time to find out that their child is dyslexic and is thus different from others.
No doubt, children with dyslexia face serious difficulty with learning and reading, but this does not mean that a dyslexic child cannot succeed. With the right attention to the condition, its signs, and treatment for the child, it is possible to improve the mental health condition of the dyslexic child and help them shine just like others. But what counts most is to recognize the condition at the right time.

Dyslexia Recognition
Dyslexia is a disorder early intervention of which has significant benefits. It is easy to identify this mental health disorder at 5 years or earlier. This makes it important for the parents as well as teachers to be well aware of the disorder so they can easily grab the signs and symptoms of the disorder if any child shows them.
Dyslexia is the condition in which the child suffering from it faces difficulty with words. Due to some misunderstandings about dyslexia, many people believe that the disorder involves the problem of letters, word reversals, or unclear sentences. But these are the writing and reading issues that are common in the initial stages of learning. Just because a child writes or reads letters in reverse order, does not mean that he/she is dyslexic. This can be due to improper learning and common misunderstandings.
One of the best ways to be sure about dyslexia is by paying attention to its signs and symptoms and consulting an expert for the same. Some common signs of dyslexia of which each parent and teacher must be aware are:
- Late talking
- Difficulty in pronouncing familiar words
- Slow learning of new words
- Problem in recognizing letters
- Struggling to name familiar objects
- Difficulty in rhyming
- Difficulty in remembering the letters of the alphabet
Checking the signs and symptoms of the disorder makes it easy for the parent and teacher to analyze whether a child is dyslexic or facing any other issue. Early recognition of the disorder is important to improve the learning ability of the dyslexic child. The earlier the disorder is discovered as well as support, the sooner dyslexic child catch up and keep up.
Tests For Dyslexia
To match the dyslexic child with the learning and improvement program, parents can take the help of medical experts and educational specialists. Consulting such experts make it easy for them to understand the condition and take the best action for their dyslexic child. It also prevents them from making mistakes that can worsen the condition of the child.
Medical experts usually organize a variety of tests to check whether the condition of the child is due to dyslexia or any other issue. The testing not just helps the parents be sure about the condition but also further makes it easy for them to organize the right treatment plan for the child.
Teacher Support
Along with the parents, school teachers of the dyslexic child can also help to improve the condition of the child. Arranging a specialized learning class, giving a dyslexic good time to respond and learn, and handling the dyslexic child with patience, are some common things that school teachers can do for supporting dyslexic children.
These days it is also easy to find out specialized schools where dyslexic children are provided good support and attention. This makes it easy for dyslexic children to spend time with other children and get the confidence they need to improve their learning. Those dyslexic children that do not get a good learning environment also become prone to other mental health conditions such as anger issues, irritation, depression, anxiety, etc. Such children start avoiding social gatherings and prefer staying alone. This not just affects their mental health but also prevents them from improving their condition.
The success of a dyslexic children depends on the treatment they get to improve their reading ability. While some parents and teachers make the mistake of ignoring the condition of the dyslexic child and keeping their focus on forcing the child to learn more and more, others prefer consulting experts for the best advice and hiring professional Orton Gillingham tutors for support.
Role Of Orton Gillingham Tutors
Orton Gillingham tutors are experts who have high experience in helping dyslexic people. These are the experts with a wider knowledge of the Orton Gillingham approach which is known as the best treatment for dyslexia.
The right use of the Orton Gillingham approach and providing the right learning environment for dyslexic children helps a lot in improving the condition of the children suffering from dyslexia. These experts use the Orton Gillingham approach in which each dyslexic child is given proper attention and is encouraged to learn more.
Orton–Gillingham tutor help struggling readers by teaching them the connections between sounds and letters. They use the Orton Gillingham approach that revolves around breaking reading as well as spelling down into smaller skills. The approach used by these experts helps a lot in developing the reading comprehension of dyslexic children.
Learning from these experts also makes it easy for dyslexic children to understand the rules as well as patterns in reading. The Orton Gillingham approach helps them learn how to decode or sound out words. This further helps them get the success they need or desire.
Final Thoughts
Consulting medical experts to be sure about dyslexia and hiring an Orton Gillingham tutor is one of the best things that one can do for a dyslexic child. No doubt, dyslexic children have problems with learning, but this does not make them weak or different from other children. These children are also known for their smartness and high interest in a variety of activities.