Hello. I’m Vicky. I’m an artist. I’m an engineer. I’m not really sure what I am…but I love what I do. For as long as I can remember, I have loved art projects of every kind. Patterns, texture, color and nature have always inspired and intrigued me. However, I also very much enjoy the challenge of solving difficult technical problems. While pursuing my love of art in school was something I considered, my fascination with math and science lead me to earn two engineering degrees from Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (VA Tech). After graduation, I was a consultant for Accenture, and was the web director for a sports apparel company. For the past seven years, I have been the principal of my own company, A Little Moxie, LLC. The company focuses on interactive design and comprehensive branding and includes clients in New York City, Washington D.C., Baltimore, and across the country.
In parallel to my technical interests, I continue to explore my creative spirit. My professional career has evolved in pursuit of allowing me time to listen to my inner creative voice and do what I love: Art. Being an artist with a technical background has advantages as I am always looking to leverage technology to develop new and interesting design directions for my creations. My artwork has been featured on hundreds of greeting cards, gift products, packaging and corporate branding. Today I spend most of my time exploring, living, loving, and creating. I’m extremely fortunate to have time to daydream, draw, paint, create, and have fun. I’m always excited to explore new and interesting projects and work with wonderful people. If you think my work would be a good fit for your project, please don’t hesitate to contact me!
My motto, ‘Celebrate Everything’ encompasses the way I try to live my life. It’s so easy to get caught up in this fast-paced world that people forget sometimes to maintain perspective and be thankful for the things in their lives that mean the most. I hope that through my art, I can help other people express their thoughts and feelings, and remind them of the things that bring them joy. Each and every day brings something new to celebrate, whether it’s spending time with a good friend, a compliment from a random stranger, a quiet moment of contemplation, or something as simple as taking a moment to smile (even at yourself!)…everyone can find something to celebrate.
Can you believe that Christmas is already coming around the corner? I know some people get mad about stores putting out their Christmas stuff too early, but in reality it’s time to start thinking about it, if you want to avoid the stress of waiting until the last minute. I don’t know if you love Christmas decorations as much as I do, but I was SO excited when Vicky Barone Designs sent me two of the most adorable personalized holiday ornaments! Seriously, aren’t they fabulous? They are such amazing quality, and the designs are to die for. My boys are super excited about them too. Anything with their name on it is pretty darn cool, but Christmas decorations topped it all. They can’t wait to get the tree up! These make great keepsake ornaments, and gifts for loved ones in your life. Be sure to check out Vicky’s website, she has a ton of other great artwork and designs!
Things that are Brag Worthy:
- Personalized Christmas Ornaments make GREAT gifts for little ones!
- Absolutely gorgeous artwork
- High quality ornaments
- Huge selection of other awesome artwork
Visit vickybarone.com to start shopping today! And you’re in luck- Vicky Barone is offering 10% all items in the Etsy shop! Code: BRAGGINGMOMMY Expires: 12/31/14
Vicky Barone Designs Personalized Ornaments get Bragging Rights!
Vicky Barone Designs is generously giving away 1 Personalized Ornament of the winner’s choice to one lucky reader!