“From popular song to animated holiday classic, Frosty’s Winter Wonderland Deluxe Edition tells the story of the beloved snowman and how he meets his companion, Crystal. Andy Griffith, Shelley Winters and Jackie Vernon lend their voices to this captivating cartoon about the Snowman’s return to the children of a small town for a winter season of fun and games.
But he’s lonely at night when left by himself and so the town’s children build a beautiful snowlady companion for him. Jealous of the attention given to Frosty, Jack Frost blows up a blizzard and swipes Frosty’s magical, life-giving hat. Only true love can bring Frosty back to his old, fun-loving self. Two songs that have proven to be enduring seasonal favorites highlight the soundtrack: “Frosty the Snowman” and “Winter Wonderland.””
Frosty’s Winter Wonderland Deluxe Edition includes a bonus feaurette titled Frosty and the Story of the Snowman.
I was so excited to receive Frosty’s Winter Wonderland Deluxe Edition on DVD for our family to watch. Bug has heard and sang the song but he had never seen this classic Christmas cartoon. It is fun to see how much he loves it especially since I remember watching it as a child. It brings back great memories for me and I love seeing Bug make new ones.
I am so happy to have this Frosty the Snowman DVD to our Holiday DVD collection. It is a prefect gift for the holiday season and for under the tree on Christmas morning!
This Deluxe Edition is available online and in stores now!
Frosty’s Winter Wonderland Deluxe Edition gets Bragging Rights!