I love to play games. Playing family games are some of the fondest memories I have with my family. I was very excited to receive The Lumps and Family Talk 2 games from Continuum Games to review.
The first thing I noticed about The Lumps game was how cute the packaging is. Lumps is referring to lumps of coal. The games comes in a little sock and the dice are black to represent coal. The Lumps game reminds me a bit of Farkle but more complicated. Instead of collecting 1’s and 5’s, you are collecting pairs. It actually took me a couple of times reading the instructions to totally understand it all. It is a really fun game that helps you with your math skills. If you want a game to play with your kids, this game is perfect as well. In the instructions, there is a version for “Lumps Junior” with easier rules for younger kids. I still think that this game may be hard for some younger kids but you can use this game to help them develop addition skills.
I really like the Family Talk 2 game. It is a great way to get the family talking. Some of the questions are very simple when others are really deep, thought provoking questions that can start great conversations between parents and their kids. This would be a great game to play at a family Holiday party.
Both The Lumps and Family Talk 2 games are great ideas for the Holiday. They are great ways to get the family interacting and having fun together. Family is such an important thing during the Holidays. Continuum Games also has so many other family games to buy!
Lumps and Family Talk 2 get Bragging Rights!

One lucky Bragging Mommy reader will be receiving both the Lumps and Family Talk 2 games.
How to enter: Leave comments below with your qualifying entries. Leave a Separate comment for each entry telling us which you qualify for.
MANDATORY 1st entry– Visit the Continuum Games website and sign up for their emails. This is located on the bottom-left side of their website.
1st Mandatory Entry must be completed before you can qualify for additional entries. All extra entries who don’t do the mandatory entry will be deleted.
- 10 entries– Make a purchase from Continuum Games.
- 2 entries– Tell us what your favorite game is to play as a family.
- 2 entries– Grab The Bragging Mommy button and put it on your blog. Leave a link.
- 5 entries– Follow The Bragging Mommy via Google Friend Connect.
- 1 entry for each– Follow The Bragging Mommy via Facebook, Twitter, subscribe to emails, subscribe in reader.
- 10 entries– Blog about this giveaway linking to this post. Leave a link.
- 1 entry per day– Tweet this giveaway including a link to this post & @braggingmommy in your tweet.
You can enter this giveaway until December 15th @10:00 am MST. The winner will then be chosen at random, verified and contacted via email. The winner will have 48 hours to email us back and claim the prize, if prize is not claimed within 48 hours a new winner will be chosen. By entering this giveaway you agree to The Bragging Mommy Full Disclosure. You must be over the age of 18 and live in the Contiguous US to enter.