Words can’t describe how excited I am to have been given the opportunity to review this bike. All opinions expressed are my own, and of course the ones who’s opinions actually count when it comes to toys, my kids. I had seen the My Kick Balance Bike a few months ago when my friend got one for her son who suffers from disabilities to help improve his balance and to also allow him the freedom to ride bikes with the other kids. I LOVED SEEING the little guy go! It made me think…hmm maybe my two youngest would benefit from a bike like this. They both struggle to reach the pedals of standard tricycles and don’t quite have the coordination to pedal yet. Then a few days ago I saw my friends son I mentioned earlier riding a regular little bike! I had to ask how he learned to balance without training wheels and she credited all to the MyKick Balance Bike! She said he got so good at balancing and riding it all summer, one day he got on his brothers little bike and just started to ride! Needless to say I was thrilled when I was contacted to review this bike and find out just how awesome it is.
“Kids don’t realize that they can’t do things. They just try. So even if your child isn’t ready to pedal a bike, MyKick lets him or her power along just by kicking. Your child will quickly learn to coast and balance on two wheels.It’s the natural evolution from riding in our child trailers. With an adjustable seat post and handlebars, it grows with your child. It’s a safe, fun way to give your little ones a jump on riding a bike. ”
I am one lucky Bragging Mommy, not only did I get this awesome bike to review but my little man actually had asked for this for Christmas too! We are heading on a fifteen day Christmas Vacation so we actually decided to open presents and celebrate early. (great timing, right?) So you get to see the smile that this awesome bike brought to my sons face when he saw it! The MyKick Balance Bike was the perfect “Brag Worthy Christmas Gift” look how great it looked under the tree!
Talon couldn’t wait to jump on. It is the perfect size for a a three to five year old.
The MyKick comes fully assembled out of the box.
The seat height will need to be adjusted, as well as the handlebars.
Devon my five year old was born fifteeen weeks early as a result she is really small for her age. She gets so frusterated that she can’t reach the pedals of her bike or Big Wheels. I hadn’t even thought of one of these bikes for her, but she saw it and was just as excited as Talon. As soon as her little brother sat it down she ran over and climbed on. She said, ” I want one of these bikes too mommy!”
I knew it was great when each of my kids oohed and awed over it. When asked what his favorite present was that he got Talon enthusiastically exclaimed, “MY BIKE!”
I couldn’t be more pleased with the quality of this bike. It is sturdy an also made to look just like a traditional bike (just smaller) which is perfect for my litte guy who thinks he is bigger than he is.
Comfortable rubber grips
Easily adjustable, kid-sized seat
Adjustable handlebars
Rubber, long lasting, flat-free tires
Quality, spoked wheels
Ball-bearing hubs and headset
To Purchase this awesome balance bike and find out more go to www.burley.com