I breastfed all my children and my youngest is still breastfed at the moment. He is having trouble when it comes to taking a bottle which makes it difficult for anyone else to feed him but me. I was excited when I was asked to review the Born Free Glass Bottles Gift Set and accepted right away. I have always basically taken Grayson everywhere with me because of how he has always rejected taking a bottle. Now that he is getting older though I have to find a way to transfer him to a sippy cup. I have thought that if I could just get him to adjust to taking a bottle first that maybe he will have an easier time when it comes to him drinking from a sippy cup. I was sent a box that contained the Born Free Glass Bottles Gift Set and I could not wait to get this started!

We opened our Born Free Glass Bottle Gift Set and took everything that was in the box out. It really comes with everything you would need to feed your baby from birth. Breast or bottle fed. It comes with 6 nipples in total 2 of each level. Level 1 being the slowest level and was attached to the 5oz bottles. Level 2 was medium flow and was attached to the 2- 9oz bottles. The 2- level 3 nipples were separate in a bag for when you need the fastest flow. The set comes with 2- silicone sleeves to put over the glass bottles, one for each size bottle. The set also included a formula dispenser which can also be used as a snack food container. The last thing that I pulled out of the box was this great twisty sponge bottle cleaner. The handle is great because its made to twist easily while its inside the bottle for optimum cleaning with minimal effort. I was really impressed because they did think of everything with this set. This set is perfect for a baby shower gift or to have at home for when you and baby come home from the hospital!
So I cleaned and sterilized the set the way they recommend in the instructions and decided we would try some water. Well, Grayson just would not take the bottle. My pump is not working at the moment so I did not have breast milk to put in the bottle so we decided on some watered down juice for the second attempt. That was when he decided that a bottle was not so bad! He took it! I was really impressed with how well he took to it. The bottle is a little on the heavy side for him but we started out with the 9 oz bottle. When I gave him the 5 oz bottle he was able to hold it a lot easier than before. With the bottles being glass the silicone sleeve comes in handy so that its easier for him to grip. I really love the Born Free Glass Bottles Gift Set and these bottles are definitely staying for our next baby!
For more information on the Born Free Glass Bottles Gift Set and other feeding supplies go to www.newbornfree.com.
Born Free Glass Bottles Gift Set Gets Bragging Rights!
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