{Brag Worthy Christmas} Baby Brain Organics Superfood for KidsReview and Giveaway
I received these products for my review. All opinions are my own.
As a new mum, I am on a quest to find healthy food for my child. I would like to share my research and discoveries with you and your children. Baby Brain Organics is a simple way to boost the nutrition in your child’s meal – giving them essential building blocks for a healthy brain and body.
As a first time mum of a four-month-old, I found it very stressful when my doctor told me to start introducing my baby to solid foods. I was breastfeeding – giving him a perfect food, full of all the nutrients, vitamins and minerals he needed, and specifically designed for his growing body and brain.
When my doctor suggested introducing butternut squash, strained peas and applesauce, I couldn’t believe my baby was going to continue getting all the vitamins and nutrition he needed. I knew that in the first year of life, babies’ brains make 500,000 new neural connections or synapses per second. By 3 years old, babies have formed 1000 trillion connections. Mind blowing – right!!! So in this time of MASSIVE brain and body development, I knew I needed to feed my baby healthy food designed to help his body and brain thrive.
After much research, I came up with Baby Brain Organics – an easy way to boost the nutrition in your child’s meal. Providing them with protein, omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants, fiber and iron to nourish their mind and body.
Why chose BBO for your child?
We are not eating the same way we did 30 years ago – we’ve come a long way baby… yet we are still feeding our babies the same way we did 30 years ago. We have learned so much about what we should put into our bodies to improve cellular development and energy. We know that the first few years of life are vital for healthy body and brain growth, so let’s make the most of this window of opportunity. Give your kids the nutritional building blocks they need and start them early on a healthy path.
Everyone wants a smart, healthy, happy child – the best way to support their growth is with love and nourishment.
Simple nourishment: 1 tablespoon of BBO in each meal.
Why Organic?
Choose organic products when possible, to decrease your child’s exposure to toxic chemicals. The growing brain is at its most vulnerable during the first ten years of life and an organic diet puts a baby less at risk for developing allergies or asthma.
BABY is a mix of specially blended seeds designed for healthy brain and body development in children over 6 months of age. Just 1 tablespoon of BABY is a simple, healthy way to include essential protein, antioxidants and fibre in your child’s diet.
The first years of life are vital in your child’s healthy brain and body development. By simply adding 1 tablespoon of KIDS to your child’s meal, you are providing nutritious building blocks, essential for a strong body and healthy mind.
There’s honestly nothing more important to me than my kids health. I work hard to teach them to eat healthy, but sometimes a little boost is always nice. Baby Brain Organics to the rescue! They sent me their superfood for Kids, and I’m definitely in love! It’s SO easy to add to anything you’re making. It’s made with organic flax seeds, quinoa, chia seeds, and hemp hearts. So many of the awesome things you hear about! It is rich in Omega 3’s, which is SO great for brain development. And what more could we want to develop well than their brains? It’s hard to get Omega 3’s in a daily diet for little ones, so Baby Brain Organics really fills in the gap. And guess what? it’s good for grownups too! =) Throw into smoothies and oatmeal and you’ve given yourself a boost of health. Thanks, Baby Brain!
Check how easy it went into my boys’ grilled cheese! They ate it up just like normal, not knowing there was a boost of nutrition inside!
Things that are Brag Worthy:
Baby Brain Organics are specially blended seeds designed for healthy brain and body development in children 6 months – 101 years-old.
By simply adding 1 Tbsp to your child’s meal, you are giving them nutritious building blocks, essential for a healthy body and brilliant mind.
We have learned so much about what we should put into our bodies to improve cellular development and energy. We know that the first few years of life are vital for healthy body and brain growth, so let’s make the most of this window of opportunity. Give your kids the nutritional building blocks they need and start them early on a healthy path.
Everyone wants a smart, healthy, happy child – the best way to support their growth is with love and nourishment.
Simple nourishment: 1 tablespoon of BBO in each meal
Choose organic products when possible, to decrease your child’s exposure to toxic chemicals. The growing brain is at its most vulnerable during the first ten years of life and an organic diet puts a baby less at risk for developing allergies or asthma
I am a mom to two sweet elementary-school boys named Harrison & Ruben. They are my greatest gift! I have a degree in Early Childhood Education, and my life revolves around little people- I work as a nanny as well as being a mom. We live in Minnesota, therefore we love summertime. =) Life consists of lots of books, walks in the woods, church, friends, grandparents, Minecraft, football and soccer, music, play-dates, wine (only some of us), love, kisses, and of course, blogging.