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Botox injections have been in use in the fight against aging for quite some time now, over fifteen years actually. Individuals experiencing wrinkles in their face have elected to use Botox injections in their forehead, under their eyes and several other problem areas of their faces. Also known as botulinum toxin, Botox has many, many medical uses and advantages, but individuals are fans of Botox because of its great cosmetic effects. It also has many other uses besides Botox under the eyes, or Botox for forehead wrinkles. It can now help with migraines, overactive bladders, sun damage, stomach problems and even acne. A new use, neck spasms, is being touted lately now also. Uses for excessive sweating have also been discovered recently.

The popularity for assistance with under eye sagging and wrinkles and forehead wrinkles is still a prominent demand that patients make of a plastic or cosmetic surgeon. The longevity of Botox also makes it popular in the fight against aging as there are patients who had Botox injections when it first became popular among cosmetic surgeons over a decade ago, and those individuals still look good over fifteen years later. This does not insinuate that Botox injections last forever. They don’t and the procedure might need to be redone every three to six months for Botox injections of the forehead and Botox injections under the eyes. The other medical uses can need to have re-injections done sooner than that even, with a good cosmetic surgeon making the recommendations for the reinjection schedule.
Botox injections, especially Botox injections to the forehead, and Botox under the eyes are usually a simple and quick procedure just like getting any other type of injection. However, a plastic surgeon should do these as the forehead and under eye areas are filled with muscles and nerves that are important in functioning and careful guidance of the needle is imperative during the Botox injection. A good Botox injection should not freeze the muscles of the face, but rather prevent facial grimacing which causes wrinkles. A good cosmetic surgeon will seek to inject just enough Botox for this purpose and not inject too much. A person should look rested and relaxed in the face afterwards, but not “frozen” in appearance. Friends and relatives should only notice a calmer look about the individual, not a face that looks immobile. Some individuals, especially celebrities go too far with the Botox injections and can have a hard, plastic, immobile look to their appearances, which is obvious it seems to all but themselves. A good cosmetic surgeon will do their best to inject just the right amount of Botox, especially when using Botox on the forehead and Botox under the eyes.
Botox is a neuromodulator which controls movements of the face. Effects of a Botox injection usually start being seen in three to five days after the injection and can last anywhere from three to six months or longer depending on the individual’s body chemistry. Botox like anything else reacts differently with each person. It’s considered totally non-invasive, so individuals can return for repeated sessions after discussion on the best schedule with their cosmetic surgeon. Costs of Botox vary with the usual price being fifteen dollars USD per injection. That is only the cost of the Botox injection not the cosmetic surgeon’s time or office visit fees.
Botox injections are considered one of the most sought after and most used cosmetic procedures worldwide however, as the costs are very minimal, and appearance can be dramatically improved with patients that have severe forehead wrinkling and under eye bags. Botox injections in the forehead and Botox injections under the eyes is especially beneficial to many and can produce wonderful results. Before and after pictures show remarkable improvements in appearances. The popularity is so widespread of Botox injections that as of 2017, over 7 million individuals had availed themselves of Botox injections. This figure of course, counts reinjections, but does show its popularity which as of 2019 has gone up, not down!
This is not to say that Botox injections carry no risks whatsoever. Botox is a drug and like with any other drug, there can be some sensitivity and side effects in some individuals. Finding a good cosmetic surgeon and using that individual to administer the Botox injections, will assist in preventing unknown or uncommon side effects as patients are screened for drug allergies and other types of warning signals before injections are administered.
Although some general practitioners are performing Botox injections, a good cosmetic surgeon, especially for Botox injections in the forehead or Botox under the eyes is the best bet for safety for consumers. A little research, speaking with others, and doing due diligence can prevent any problems with Botox injections. There are guidelines and following these will prevent unnecessary and unwarranted problems.