Taking your kids on a boat ride sounds fun and dangerous. Well, it can be both of these things if you don’t do it the right way. The thing is that taking your kids on a boat means placing them in potential danger if they’re not well prepared-equipped, and if you’re not careful.

Some might be scared by the idea of taking their kids onto the open sea, but then again, this is a unique experience that every kid should have. Also, you shouldn’t allow fear to govern you or pass that habit on to your kids. What you need to focus on is figuring out how to make these situations safer so that you can have your cake and eat it, too. So, here are some safety guidelines and activities regarding boating with children that you should know about.
- They need to wear life jackets all the time
A life jacket will ensure that, if they fall aboard, they float, and you can just pick them up. The important thing to remember is that, in some countries, this is a legal requirement. This means that, by avoiding it, you’re actively breaking the law.
Another thing you need to understand is that these life jackets are panic-proof. You can teach a kid how to swim, spend countless hours instructing them on boating behavior, and reprimand them every time they do something reckless. However, if they fall aboard, you never know if they’ll panic or not. If they do (which is very likely), all that you’ve taught them will be for nothing.
A life jacket, on the other hand, works passively all the time. Even if they panic, they stay afloat.
The best part is that these jackets also give you and them a lot of confidence. It’s a security measure that you hope you’ll never have to resort to, but it’s nice to have it, nonetheless. It really doesn’t take much effort to put them on; they’re inexpensive, and they’re mandated by law. In other words, you have no excuses.
Not to mention that it’s so easy to make your kids wear them. All you have to do is tell them that, this way, they’ll feel like proper sailors.
- Be there all the time
Previously, we mentioned a didactic method of reprimanding them when they’re about to do something reckless. Well, in order to do that, you have to be:
- There
- Paying attention
The reason why this works so well didactically is because, while lecturing them, you can’t possibly conceive every form of reckless behavior that they’ll engage in. Also, giving them instructions in a real situation, potentially even giving them a great explanation as to why this is so reckless, is incredibly effective. Now, they know that these are not just empty words.
Also, even with a life jacket or a kid who knows how to swim, this will only buy you time to react. You have to be there to react. You need to be close enough to dive into the water or fish them out.
Next, when you decide to rent a boat, you’re doing this for a reason. Usually, it’s to spend more time with your friends and family. How can you do that if you’re otherwise occupied? Just keep in mind that while navigating a boat can be complex, it’s not something that can’t be done in the company. This is also a great opportunity to spend some quality time with your kids.
- Teach them how to swim
Unless the kid is too young, they need to learn how to swim before they get on the boat. This will help keep them safer, but it will also make them more confident. If they fall over, they won’t panic as much because they know that they can swim.
Other than just saving their life, swimming is an essential skill. This is something that a parent or a guardian should teach their kids. It improves water comfort and gives them a way to engage in a healthy and fun form of exercise.
Most importantly, swimming is a lifetime skill. You teach them once, and they will never forget it. You don’t forget how to swim by not swimming, and it doesn’t make a difference when it is the last time you swam. You have to teach them sooner or later, and there’s literally no better time to do so than before taking them on a boat.
Also, knowing the weather is important for planning a safe trip on the water NOAA weather radios are a great way to stay informed at all times.
Once again, knowing how to swim doesn’t prevent the need for wearing a life west. You need to stack a layer of protective measure one upon another in order to make this work.
- Pick the right activities
Whether or not a boating instance will be fun or not depends on the activities that you pick. Now, coming u
p with fun activities for children is important, in general but on a boat, it’s a high priority.
Generally speaking, you have a lot of options, varying in fun and safety. For instance, nature-watching can be incredibly fun and engaging, but if your kid is a bit more active, you might want to pick something dynamic. For instance, you could take them treasure hunting, fishing, or just playing boating games.
Naturally, since you are on the boat, you can always take some extra equipment and, depending on your age and swimming skill, consider partaking in watersports. You can take them tubing, water skiing, and more.
Just remember that being on a boat is a unique experience on its own, but, in reality, this sensation will quickly fade out unless you can come up with something fun they can do while at it. By planning out the entirety of the voyage, you’ll ensure that they have a good time.
Wrap up
The key thing to keeping things safe lies in preparation. You can’t teach them how to swim the day before the boat ride. You need to plan in advance. You also need to get the life jackets and monitor them closely to see if they’re even wearing them. No matter how much you trust them, keep them in sight. They’re kids, and they make mistakes. They don’t even do it on purpose. They might just be distracted. You’re an adult, and it’s your job to be responsible.