Bitsy Bop and Botsy Bop are 2 of the cutest little critters I have seen and my kids agree! They were so excited to play with the interactive toys and even I had my fair share of fun with them. The Botti-Bots come in super bright colors and crazy hair which makes them even more fun! They even caught the eye of my 11 month old who had tons of fun chasing it around while the older kids ‘controlled’ it!! I love that the remote control buttons are nice and chunky so my sons little fingers can work them easily. As they roll around, they make fun little noises and sounds and we really just can’t get enough of these plush pets. Botti-Bots are definitely not your average remote control toys!! It’s ‘A Bot’ to get CRAZY!!
- Great remote control toy for younger children
- Older children love them too
- Botti-Bots make fun sounds AND light up while they roll
- Cute & fuzzy
- Two Bots to choose from
Blip Toys Botti-Bot Interactive Plush Pet gets BRAGGING RIGHTS!!
Want to see more of these cute critters? Check out their Facebook page!!