BLDR- Kid Invented Card Game About Strategy, Action & Fun- Review, 30% Discount, and Giveaway (5 Winners!)
I received these products for my review. All opinions are my own.
Objective: Be the first player to build your chosen BLDR structure. Players: 2-4 players Game pieces
54 playing cards (orange)
38 action cards (black)
16 building cards (yellow)
Set up: Each player chooses which BLDR structure they would like to build and places the four building cards to the side. Create a pile of action cards and a separate pile of playing cards and place the two stacks in between the players. Each player draws a playing card. The highest card goes first. Place playing cards back in the playing pile and shuffle. Deal 5 playing cards to each player. How to play: Begin your turn by drawing a playing card. Next, you may exchange sets for an action card or play action cards. Players may exchange as many sets or play as many action cards during their turn as they would like. The turn ends when the player chooses to no longer play. You may only have 8 playing cards and 8 action cards in your hand at a time. If you have more than 8 of either type of card, you must play or discard them. When all playing cards or action cards have been drawn, shuffle the discard pile and use them to continue to play. The player who completes his or her BLDR structure first wins! To speed play:
3 players-remove one robber and one wrecking ball
4 players-remove one robber, one wrecking ball and two policemen.
While playing strategic card games during the summer after fourth grade, Jackson Lefler got an idea for a different card game where players could put cards together to build something – a structure maybe. Lefler, then 10, began to play other card and board games which gave him more ideas. He slowly began to put the ideas together and ended up designing/inventing his own game: BLDR. “I don’t like games where you’re just spinning, relying on all luck,” said Lefler “so I wanted to come up with a game that had both those things – strategy plus a little luck.” In this fast paced game, players race to build their BLDR structure first. Players create runs and sets of playing cards to acquire action cards and then through strategy, use those cards to build their structure, or to block the other players from building theirs. Thrilled to finally bring BLDR to the public after a successful Kickstarter campaign, Jackson says, “I’ve played with friends, family, babysitters, teachers, gamers, non-gamers, my dog, and everyone has a great time playing it. It’s a ton of fun for all ages!”
Our family is always looking for fun new games to play- but I think this is the first time we found one we all love, and it’s a kid invented card game! I just LOVE that- children are amazing! And I so enjoy when they use their imagination and smarts to come up with something new- like a fun new game! When Jackson Lefler was 10, he invented the game BLDR. It’s a fabulous game, and here are a few reasons why:
It can be played fairly quickly. That means it gets played more often, we don’t always have the time for Monopoly, ya know?
It can be modified if you are playing with 2 or 3 people to keep the time down.
It is small. It’s a card game. It travels well. It doesn’t take up a bunch of storage. Yes, please!
Uses strategy and luck- it’s good to combine those two for kids!
My kids can play by themselves. I love a good game, but there are still dishes to do sometimes!
I am a mom to two sweet elementary-school boys named Harrison & Ruben. They are my greatest gift! I have a degree in Early Childhood Education, and my life revolves around little people- I work as a nanny as well as being a mom. We live in Minnesota, therefore we love summertime. =) Life consists of lots of books, walks in the woods, church, friends, grandparents, Minecraft, football and soccer, music, play-dates, wine (only some of us), love, kisses, and of course, blogging.