Inspired by the true story that captured the hearts of people across the world, the rescue adventure Big Miracle tells the amazing tale of a small town news reporter (John Krasinski) and an animal-loving volunteer (Drew Barrymore) who are joined by rival world superpowers to save a family of majestic gray whales trapped by rapidly forming ice in the Arctic Circle.
I love true stories about animals, especially whales. I was not familiar with the story that Big Miracle is based on. I asked my mom about it and she said she remember the story being on the news awhile ago. The movie takes place in 1988. I figured that it must have been a pretty amazing story in order for it to be remembered by many people.
One thing that I liked about this movie is that it focused on a lot of different characters and you can keep them all straight. My favorite character was the news reporter, Adam Carlson, played by John Krasinski. For me, he provided some of the most touching and most funny moments of the film. I learned a new method of what to do if someone’s eyes freeze shut!
This was a great family movie. It is pretty clean content wise and I believe that little kids will stay entertained. The whales are so cool to look at and you are cheering for them and the people through the movie. In my opinion, the movie does push an environmental message of ‘save the whales’ but does not get too political. I really liked this movie and think that it a movie worth seeing. Make sure you stay through the majority of the credits to see actual footage for 1988.
Big Miracle gets bragging rights!
Big Miracle opens in theaters today. It is rated PG. For more information, you can go to the film’s official website.