Man Up, Eat Up: Beer. Bacon. Good. Beer and bacon for breakfast? Oh yes, say the manly men. And some women. With craft brewing at an all-time high, and the never-ending popularity of bacon, why not combine the two? This recipe for Mancakes covers all your basic manly food groups: beer, bacon, and pancakes. It’s the best way to serve up dude food for breakfast.
Spot at the Table: Pets Are Part of the Family. With more and more "pet parents" making dog food from scratch, man’s best friend has been promoted to a bona fide member of the family. Get your furry friends tails wagging with this recipe for Peanut Butter and Pumpkin Puppy Treats.
Gifts to DIY for: Wrap Up Some Creativity. Homemade and straight from the heart is the in thing for the creative- (and wallet-) minded gift-giving crowd. The sweet and salty flavors in this Salted Chocolate Almond Fudge recipe turn traditional fudge into an even more extraordinary gift that everyone will adore.
Food for a Cause: Feed The Soul. This season spread the holiday spirit beyond your kitchen and into the homes of those less fortunate. Add a little cheer to the regular mix of bake sale items with this recipe for Sweet Swirl Marshmallows. We know they’ll be a best seller!
Kids in the Kitchen: Connect While You Cook. The culinary craze has hit home, and everyone wants in on the kitchen action – even the youngest members of your family. Get the whole family involved by making this super-simple recipe for a snack mix we like to call Reindeer Feed.
Alternative Diets Go Mainstream: Hold the Gluten. Embrace the Vegan. Alternative diets are becoming a way of life for many – maybe even you! However, it can still be difficult to find great-tasting foods that are gluten free or vegan. Help everyone feel welcome at your celebrations this year by baking up tasty versions of classic holiday treats with our recipes for Gluten Free Fudge Crinkles and Vegan Sugar Cookies.
Retro Rewind: Get Back to Great. It feels like everyone has retro fever this year, as swinging ’60’s style continues to pop up on TVs, radios and runways. Create a decidedly vintage spread for your holiday shindig with fun and festive appetizers that have a little retro flair. They’re a blast from the past that will bring back the memories, and the recipe requests.
Mixology Mashup: Cookies Meet Cocktails. We’re loving the idea of borrowing inspiration from the hottest restaurants and creating new flavors all our own. These Cookie Cocktails are the perfect way to serve up some holiday spirit at your cookie swap.
For more on these trends and great recipes, visit