This post is brought to you by Ruchi INC. Learning and reading are the basis for learning. In higher college, the study material is excessive and one needs to put in a lot of time and efforts for a reading of this comprehensive study material. We all have our methods of reading and retaining information, the reality, however, is that there are techniques which can be practiced that can help you to improve your reading and can enhance your recall value of the material read. Personally speaking, I would feel most of the time that someone should write my paper for me and relieve me from the pressure of exams. With every passing day I realized, reading is one of the intellectual processes most important. Hence, their learning begins in very early stages of the academic training of any schooled child. However, external reports such as the well-known PISA indicate that many students show serious problems in reading. That is, they do not really understand what they are reading. Also, check out Tadeo and Silvia for your lawyer needs. This problem, far from being a mere suspense, implies severe difficulties both at the academic and social levels. If the child does not understand what he reads, he can hardly pass the exams properly. When that child is an adult, will be a person unable to understand the publicity, bank documents … Therefore, we propose a series of strategies that parents can implement in their homes and thus help improve the reading speed of their children: The brain is faster than the human eye, reading at the pace that the brain understands is one of the keys to speed reading. The exams provoke anxiety because the result of the evaluation can condition the qualification to study another subject, for that reason, it is convenient that you begin to study well in advance. We present a series of tips to increase your performance in the study and make the most of the time spent on the review.
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1. Reading Techniques: Concentration
In order to make a productive reading, the first aspect to consider is concentration. Concentration means saying NO to multi-task. To read we need to focus all our attention on one thing, reading.This also means looking for a suitable environment, free of sounds, distractions and with the right light. Only in this way can we advance in this process.
- Concentrate on a single line at a time. We can cover the lower part of the text with a piece of paper to avoid interference with other lines.
- With moderation and practice, we will try to capture more grouped words.
- Set the first and last word of each phrase. We are establishing connections unconsciously.
2. Reading Techniques: Speed
Being an efficient reader will allow you to read more and memorize more information in shorter time. Imagine that you can read any type of book 3 or 4 times faster than the average reader. If you are a student, you are still more interested in quick reading. Imagine that you can read the notes very quickly and comprehensively. As we already mentioned, the eye performs pauses and jumps. Each time a pause is made the eye needs to refocus, as when you are trying to take a photo with a camera, you move and you have to return to the focus button. This takes time away, so if we decrease the number of approaches or fixes that we do, it will increase our reading speed and our eyes will get tired less. If you want to attain remarkable reading speed you need to reduce the movement of your eyes while reading. Speed reading technique when practiced helps improving comprehension of the text read. Even when their reading speed is reduced, the level of understanding also decreases. Know the reading techniques that can help you comprehend the reading material better
- Prioritize speed: Your level of understanding will improve with practice
- Use a manual guide to avoid getting lost
- Minimize regression
- Augment your field of vision
- Do not read aloud to yourself as it reduces your reading ability to about 250 words per minute. Remember: your brain is faster than your tongue.
- Watch subtitled movies. Subtitles usually happen at a fairly high rate that usually forces you to carry a fairly wide reading speed. Also, the sooner you read them, the more time you can devote to contemplating the scene of the film.
3. Marking (follow the finger).
Yes, like when we were little and we started to read. Indicating what we are going to read establishes connections between the text and the brain. This will help a faster and more efficient reading. Extend your finger and highlight with your finger each line that you read from margin to margin. What we are getting is to eliminate part of the unnecessary regressions and making fixations broader than what we read. Little by little, we will begin to move more quickly along the lines. The finger guides us and helps us reduce the unnecessary efforts of the eyes and increases concentration in reading. So, if you’re a mother or father, do not scold your son so much for reading with his finger. If you do not want to use your finger, it also serves a pen, pencil or similar that serves as a marker and allows us to point and read at the same time. To start using the technique, take a book or complete printed sheet and try to pass your marker across all the lines quickly trying to read the text. The normal thing would be that at first. you do not manage to read all the words but with practice, you will get used to it and increasing the number of words understood in each fixation. The finger or the marker should not stop when changing lines. Make a continuous movement back to the next line and follow it with your eyes. It will avoid distractions in the return sweep to the new line.