I was compensated for this post. All opinions are my own.
How are you feeling about back to school this year?
Emotions are always mixed. I have a 1st and 2nd grader this year, and although we’ve had a great summer at home, I am ready for a little more peace and quiet around the house! I watch other kiddos in our home, and my boys have been SO helpful to me over the summer- but I know it’s time for them to get back to spending the day learning and growing cognitively.
Ok- so many of you have probably already sent your kiddos off to school, but here in Minnesota they don’t start until after labor day. so… #momfail confession- I haven’t even started the back to school shopping process.
Ughhhh I am such a procrastinator.
Do you like to have it done right away? Ideally that’s always my goal, but real life comes in and makes that difficult sometimes.
But sometimes there are advantages to waiting- new deals pop up that help you save money on supplies!
Like this awesome deal from Office Depot on Boise Paper- 2 reams of paper for $10 through September 30th, 2016. Isn’t that a great deal? Paper might be something that slips your mind when you are back to school shopping. But think about how much paper you will go through this year- wouldn’t it be great to get a good deal now and stock up? How many papers/projects will need printing this year? Probably a large amount. Even my 1st grader last year seemed to go through the printer paper quick. There’s also nothing my boys love more than a fresh sheet of blank paper- their creativity can really flourish with a blank canvas. Coloring, painting, drawing, cutting, gluing… it’s all so good for their little imagination! And when you got a great deal on said paper, you can really let them go to town!
Paper is truly an essential part of learning- even in our digital day and age. From art to writing to math, paper helps us learn and grow. Where would we be without a scratch pad for math? Or paper for an art project? Or learning to read and write using… you guessed it, paper! I’ve always been a firm believer in keeping paper and art supplies (crayons, colored pencils, markers, scissors, etc.) readily available for little hands to create. It is an amazing way to foster their love of art and creativity.
Purchasing paper from Boise is doubly great because they have BoxTops as well! Not only will purchasing be great for your kids at home, its a great way to raise money for their schools too!
So whether you’re all finished with your shopping, or you still have some to go, I hope you all enjoy back to school season and that your kids are enjoying the thrill of new school supplies, new friends, new teachers, and a year filled with possibility!
Visit Office Depot today to be sure to take advantage of their Boise POLARIS Premium Multipurpose paper 2 for $10 sale!
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