Baby Shusher- The Sleep Miracle Review and Giveaway
I received these products for my review. All opinions are my own.
A revolutionary new tool for parents using an ancient but doctor-tested technique to help soothe your fussy baby.
Baby Shusher is a company founded by real parents with a genuine passion for creating “sleep miracles” for babies.
The Baby Shusher is a revolutionary new tool for parents using an ancient but doctor-tested technique to help soothe your fussy baby. The Baby Shusher breaks a baby’s crying spell by engaging his or her natural calming reflex. The rhythmic shush reminds the baby of being inside the womb, where there is a constant inundation of loud sounds from blood flow and other in utero noises (up to 95 dBs, or the sound of a very loud vacuum cleaner). These sounds, which may initially seem harsh, are actually very calming to a baby.
The Baby Shusher Collection combines the original Baby Shusher with 2 soft cotton Muslin Swaddles and 2 of our Shushie pacifiers. Baby Shusher is a company founded by real parents with a genuine passion for creating “sleep miracles” for babies (and parents!). The Baby Shusher Collection is better than any lullaby, and utilizes an ancient but doctor-tested and approved technique to help soothe your fussy baby and get some much-needed sleep (for both you and baby). We know you and your baby will love this pack.
When we talk about babies, we talk about sleep. It’s the first question many parents get- “How is she sleeping? Are you exhausted?” And rightfully so, I suppose, because sleep is so, so important. For everyone, baby included. So when baby has been fed, changed, checked over, and is still crying, what do you do? Well before you rocked, patted, rubbed, walked, shushed, sang, and hummed… but now, simply turning on your new Baby Shusherinfant sleep aid, baby is lulled to sleep by sounds that are familiar- the womb. Think about it- how over stimulating and crazy would the world seem after 9 months in that cozy cocoon? The Baby Shusher uses rhythmic shushing noises that reminds the baby of being inside the womb and engages them in a calming reflex that helps them self-soothe back to sleep. My two favorite things about the Baby Shusher is that 1) It works. I’ve had babies taking great naps lately… and 2) It’s simple, easy to use, and portable. GREAT or bringing to Grandma’s house, the car, anywhere that is noisy or unfamiliar for baby. As soon as they hear that SHHHH they’ll be able to relax and drift off. The volume is easy to control and you can set a timer for how long you would like the shusher to be going… This is definitely a must have baby product, and what a great gift? Baby Shusher has an awesome gift set that includes great muslin swaddle blankets and pacifiers. Everything a parent needs to help get baby to sleep!
Things that are Brag Worthy:
Breaks a baby’s crying spell by engaging his or her natural calming reflex
The rhythmic shush reminds the baby of being inside the womb
Timing options – 15 or 30 minutes with and user controlled volume
I am a mom to two sweet elementary-school boys named Harrison & Ruben. They are my greatest gift! I have a degree in Early Childhood Education, and my life revolves around little people- I work as a nanny as well as being a mom. We live in Minnesota, therefore we love summertime. =) Life consists of lots of books, walks in the woods, church, friends, grandparents, Minecraft, football and soccer, music, play-dates, wine (only some of us), love, kisses, and of course, blogging.