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The miracle of what happens in the womb when a mother-to-be is pregnant is nothing short of amazing. With today’s technology, physical baby development can be recorded in great detail whilst in utero. With this knowledge, we are in a better position than ever before to be aware of how the baby is doing and how they are developing as the pregnancy continues.

Then the big day arrives and you meet your little darling for the first time. Now it’s up to you to track your little one’s development. But what should you look out for, and what exactly are the milestones that your child must reach, and when?
Continue reading to discover the developmental milestones that you can look out for from 0 to 12 months to help put your mind at ease.
Developmental Milestones
Before you go into a panic that your baby is a little behind with the ‘normal’ developmental milestones, always remember that your baby is going to develop at his/her own pace. If you are really concerned, go to a paediatrician for professional advice.
That being said, here are some of the things your little one is going to get up to in the first year of his/her life.
Months 0 – 3
In the first month of your baby’s’ journey here on earth, he/she will track moving objects with their eyes. You will notice how quickly he/she is growing and he/she will start to make eye contact. They will react to your voice and can communicate only by crying.
In the second month, your baby will start cooing, with gurgling and murmuring sounds and start to study faces. He/she will also learn how to express anger.
In the third month, your baby will be able to raise his/her head while lying on their tummy. By now, your baby will have a solid schedule of eating and sleeping. At this stage, your baby can imitate facial expressions and mimic certain movements.
Months 4 – 6
In the fourth month, he/she will start grabbing at objects. Be wary of those dangly earrings you love to wear. He/she will be able to push up onto their arms when lying on his/her stomach. You’ll also start hearing that sweet baby laughter.
In the fifth month, your baby will enjoy playing and cry when it’s disrupted. He/she will cry if you or dad are out of sight. He/she can now transfer objects from one hand to the other hand. They will also start to think that feeding time is playtime.
In the sixth month, he/she will be able to roll over all by herself and start eating solid foods. Squeals and murmurs become more frequent.
Months 7 – 9
In the seventh month, your little one will start crawling and start making babbling sounds. He/she will start being more social and can express anger in a strong way.
In the eighth month, your baby will be able to sit perfectly on their own. He/she might become shy or anxious in the company of strangers. Your baby will respond to their name being said or called out.
In the ninth month, babies will try to imitate gestures made by others, start trying to walk or even take their first steps. He/she will mimic adult sounds and love playing with mum, dad, nanny, granddad, and people that he/she knows and trusts.
Months 10 – 12
In the tenth month, your baby will be able to crawl, pull themselves from a seated to a standing position, respond to clapping and show emotions and when they are sad, happy and angry.
In the eleventh month, your little one will start to say mama or dada, will shuffle and settle toys, will love to bath, and will start showing their independence by trying their best to not cooperate with you. They might even start to explore their own environment more by climbing on everything.
In the twelfth month, your baby will try to speak 2-4 words and now they can throw temper tantrums. You will be introduced to your baby’s sense of humour and he/she will try to help when you dress them by pushing their hands into their sleeves.
The Reward
Even though raising a child can be tough, remember that your love and attention is allowing your child to develop into the amazing person that you know they will grow up to be. Don’t focus so much on when they reach each milestone, but rather shower them with praise when they do reach them. They will feel your love and support and whatever stage your child is at, it is an incredible journey for both of you.