If you’re getting ready to go on a road trip, you know that there are a lot of things you need to consider. You want to be sure that you have everything in order and that you’re going to be able to work out what it is that you need in order to fully enjoy the experience.

That being said, while you’re packing, you may be trying to figure out how you’re going to make all of I fit. Do you have a suitcase? If not, what can you do? Thankfully, there are tons of alternatives available for suitcases – let’s take a look at some of the most popular ones.
Why Would You Want Alternatives?
So, of course, you may be curious why you want alternatives to a suitcase. First, as previously mentioned, you may not have a suitcase readily available, so you need to be sure that you’ve got something else that you can load up.
Another consideration is how much space you’ll have while traveling. If you’re taking a road trip and/or going alone, you may want to have something that is a little lighter or easier to move around than a suitcase would be. On top of that, you may want to have several smaller bags so that you can organize what you need for each day.
Canvas Bags
A canvas bag is a solid first option to consider when you’re looking at packing. Whether you go with an open model like a tote bag, or something that looks more like a duffle bag, you have a handful of options here. Canvas bags are incredibly durable and you don’t need to worry about the items inside being too heavy for the bag (or for you to carry). They’re also super easy to clean, so when your trip is over, you can wipe them off and out and they’ll be ready to go for the next trip.
The tried and true backpack is also a good alternative to a suitcase. It has all sorts of compartments inside of it, and you can typically fit a lot more in there than you could any other type of bag. Plus, more modern backpacks also have several ways in which you can carry them for optimal comfort.
Backpacks are a great option when you plan on being on the go a lot during a vacation. This is especially true if you’re going to be hiking or using public transport as part of the trip. You can just throw it on your back and keep moving; you won’t have to worry about getting it through turnstiles or other tight spaces.
Drawstring Bags
Drawstring bags are handy for smaller items, like medications and toiletries. Even if you have a suitcase, a drawstring bag is small enough for you to fit in there so that you can keep your medications and toiletries separate from everything else. Then, all you need to do is grab the bag and take it into the bathroom when you need to use what’s inside of it. They’re also great for day trips – they’re a smaller form of a backpack, so you can toss things in there and just go.
Reusable Grocery Bags
Reusable grocery bags come in all sorts of shapes and sizes, and they can be great for clothing and/or snacks. Many people will actually have folded clothing inside of their reusable bags at the beginning of the week, and then bring home their dirty laundry in those same bags. It’s a really simple option and there is often enough space for an outfit or two in each of these bags.
Laptop Bags
If you’re taking your laptop with you, you may notice that there are all sorts of extra compartments within your laptop bag as well. A laptop bag is going to be a great place to put smaller items that you may need to bring, because they can fit in the holes and compartments provided for you. Plus, they usually have a strap for your shoulder, which makes it much easier to carry with you.
Other Options for Packing
There may be some other options that we aren’t talking about here as well. Be creative about what it is that you are doing and make sure that what you use for packing has lots of space. As you work out the details of your vacation and what you want to take with you, you’ll find that you have lots of space to put the things that you want to take with you. Get packing and have a lot of fun on your vacation.