Sleep sacks have become a really popular choice for parents looking to ensure comfortable, peaceful slumber for their babies. They’re essentially wearable sleeping bags that have holes for the arms and are fastened by zips or snap buttons on the side or the front. Sleep sacks are available in preemie to toddler sizes and in a range of fabrics and TOGs, so you can find the perfect option for your little one.

If you’re considering this option but are wondering whether they’re safe and how to select the right one for your baby or toddler, we’ve got all the information you need below.
Using Sleep Sacks Safely
For parents, ensuring safe sleep for babies is at the top of the priority list. When used properly, sleep sacks are a safe sleeping choice. The sleeveless design leaves your baby’s arms free, meaning that once they learn to roll over, they’re able to push themselves back onto their back. Further, the bag design will prevent your little one’s legs from getting stuck between the rails of their crib, helping avoid injuries.
When choosing and using a sleep sack, it’s vital to ensure that your baby will be at the right temperature. Selecting the correct TOG is an important element of this, and we’ll get into this in more detail below. Always ensure, too, that the sleepsack is the right size for your little one, so there’s no risk of them pulling their arms out of the holes and getting them stuck. And, of course, make sure that it’s fastened securely every time.
Choosing the Right TOG
TOG stands for Thermal Overall Grade and relates to the level of warmth that bedding, such as duvets and sleep sacks, provides. Knowing a sleep sack’s TOG rating allows you to dress your baby appropriately for sleep without the risk of them overheating – or getting chilly. As a general guide, here’s how to figure out how to dress your baby for sleep and the sleeping bag TOG to choose for the room temperature.
- 80 degrees Fahrenheit and higher – diaper only
- 78 degrees Fahrenheit – diaper and onesie
- 75-77 degrees Fahrenheit – diaper, onesie, and 0.5 TOG sleepsack
- 71-74 degrees Fahrenheit – diaper, long-sleeved pajamas, and 0.5 TOG sleepsack
- 69-70 degrees Fahrenheit – diaper, onesie, long-sleeved pajamas, and 1 TOG sleepsack
- 64-68 degrees Fahrenheit – diaper, long-sleeved onesie, long-sleeved pajamas, and 1 TOG sleepsack
- 61-63 degrees Fahrenheit – diaper, long-sleeved onesie, long-sleeved pajamas, socks and 2 TOG sleepsack
According to some experts, the ideal room temperature for your baby to sleep in is between 68 and 72 degrees Fahrenheit – although it’s important to remember that every baby is different. To help determine whether your little one is at the right temperature, check their chest. The skin should feel warm but not hot. It’s okay for their fingers and toes to feel cool to the touch, but they shouldn’t feel icy cold.
Getting the Right Size Sleep Sack for Your Baby or Toddler
While sleep sacks come with an age recommendation, it’s important to use this as a guide only. Check that the sack fits by making sure that the fit is snug but not tight – your little one should be able to freely kick their legs within the bag. The armholes should not be tight enough to restrict movement but can’t be so loose that babies can slip their arms through them and inside the bag.
It’s very important that the sleep sack’s neckline isn’t loose enough to slip over your baby’s head. It should rest just below their chin. As a rough guide, a baby in a sleep sack should resemble a gentle bell shape, snug at the top and roomy at the bottom.
Baby Sleep Sacks: A Sweet Solution for Peaceful Sleep
There are lots of benefits to using a sleep sack at bedtime or when your baby (or toddler) takes a nap. Sleep sacks offer your little one greater freedom of movement, and they eliminate the risk of a baby kicking off her blankets while she sleeps. The feeling of security that a sleep sack provides can even help babies sleep better – which is great for everyone in the household! Plus, they’re super easy to clean – most can simply be popped into the washing machine along with the rest of the laundry.
Use the guide above to choose the perfect sleep sack for your baby. And as an added bonus? They also look super cute!