Neck pain is one of the most common ailments worldwide, and it is generally caused by poor posture, muscle strain, or aging. However, there are several myths that exist regarding different types of neck pain. Here is a list of neck-related myths and the treatments available to refute these myths.

· Myth-1: Neck pain is normal
No pain experienced by the body is normal. It is quite common nowadays because of long working hours and bad postures, but it is not normal to have it. Neck pain is definitely caused by something and it is important to understand what can be done to get rid of it. A neck injury at work, a pinched nerve due to posture, or even stress at home can all be causes of neck pain. And according to a neck injury lawyer at Zanes Law, neck pain can be very serious and even result in long-term medical costs if not treated properly.
· Myth-2: Surgery is the best treatment option
Surgeries are mostly the last resorts when it comes to neck or back pain when there is no other non-invasive treatments available that can provide relief without any risks and side effects.
· Myth-3: Neck pain can be psychological
It is quite possible that the neck pain is caused for no visible reason, but that doesn’t mean that the pain doesn’t exist. The spine is complex in nature, so it is sometimes difficult to identify a single reason causing the pain, but that doesn’t mean that the pain is psychological and only in your mind.
· Myth-4: Cervical collar will relieve you of the pain
Doctors generally suggest cervical collars and belts to limit your mobility and improve your posture by reducing any further damage. It doesn’t lessen the pain but tries to control it by improving your posture. However, cervical collars shouldn’t be worn for long hours as they can alter your posture and make the muscles weak.
· Myth-5: Everything will be fine once the pain subsides
Neck pain doesn’t work like your normal viral. In most cases, neck pain is episodic, meaning it can disappear after a few days of torturing you only to reappear after some time. This is why it is important for you to take necessary precautions and treatments against it.
Best treatments for neck pain
· Physical Therapy: Physical therapy doctor often suggests therapeutic massages and exercises to their patients to improve the strength and flexibility of the neck and shoulders. The following are the primary goals of physical therapy:
o Reduce stiffness
o Improve flexibility and range of motion
o Develop dynamic strengthening
Even if physical therapy doesn’t eliminate the pain, it can help significantly in improving your body posture for daily functions. Many physical therapy clinics and chiropractors now use cupping therapy, an alternative medicine that improves the range of motion and eases neck pain. Additionally, for those seeking effective exercises to alleviate neck arthritis pain, consider exploring the insights shared by Iron Neck in their informative blog post on the best exercise strategies for managing neck discomfort.
· Medial branch block procedure: Patients with pain stemming from facet joints in the back or neck can use this treatment. This test is essential to diagnose where the pain is coming from. If the test is successful, patients can choose from facet joint injections and radiofrequency ablation to control the pain.
· Spinal Cord Stimulation: Spinal cord stimulation is a drug-free way of blocking pain signals from your body to brain via electric currents. Also called neurostimulation, in this process, a small device is implanted near the spine that generates these pulses and interferes with the pain messages going to the brain.
This procedure is being used since decades and is a proven method to relieve people from conditions like cervical and lumbar radiculitis, neuropathy, and complex regional pain syndrome.
· Cervical Radiofrequency Ablation: The treatment that involves using radio waves to block pain signals from reaching the brain is called cervical radiofrequency ablation. When this procedure is performed on the diseased tissue, it destroys the tissue and stops it from sending pain messages to the brain. Apart from neck pain, this procedure can be used for several chronic conditions such as arthritis pain, cancer pain, peripheral nerve pain, tumors, etc. The process is performed under mild sedation and significantly reduces neck and joints pain.