Fertility is a word that describes how able you are to conceive a child. Fertility applies to both men and women. Infertility means the inability to conceive. It is usually diagnosed after one year of attempting to conceive unsuccessfully.
Many people think that it’s only women who need to see a doctor, but that is not true. Men and women are almost equally at fault in statistics for infertility. It can actually be a little easier to diagnose and treat fertility problems in a male versus a female. Female fertility is very complex, so if you can rule out the male first, then that could be ideal. So whether you are male or female, if you are thinking about growing a family through a pregnancy, you should continue reading.

What are the causes of infertility?
Infertility doesn’t always have a cause. This is referred to as idiopathic infertility. The list of what causes infertility is very long, and is different for every person. The following list are some of the common causes of infertility.
- Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)
- Low sperm count
- Poor sperm quality
- Endometriosis
- Thyroid issues
- History of cancer
The main symptom of infertility is trying to conceive without getting pregnant. For those under 35 you must try for 12 months before being considered infertile. If you are over age 35 infertility is considered trying for six months without getting pregnant.
Some of the symptoms associated with infertility include:
- Heavy periods with severe cramping
- Absence of period
- Unexplained weight gain
- Multiple or recurrent miscarriage
How is infertility diagnosed?
Infertility should be diagnosed by a doctor. The first step would be seeing an OB/GYN. If infertility is severe, they may refer you to an infertility specialist. In order to diagnose what is actually causing the problem, there are a variety of tests that could be done.
Some common testing for infertility includes:
- Blood work to check progesterone levels
- Sperm sample analysis
- Imaging such as ultrasound to check female reproductive organs
- Hormone testing
- Genetic testing
- Ovarian reserve testing (quantity of eggs)
What treatment is available for infertility?
The treatment will vary widely depending on the diagnosis and what the root cause of infertility is. Your doctor should be able to make a custom plan of action for your infertility journey. It will likely start with treating the symptoms. If your period is absent, the first step will be to regain regular periods, if your hormones are out of balance then medication may be started to regulate them, etc.
It is important when looking for infertility treatment and choosing your doctor that you consider what type of approach you would like to take. If you want to jump into IVF, you should probably consider an IVF clinic. If you want a more natural, holistic approach you can look for places local to you that are either functional medicine, integrative medicine, etc. This fertility clinic Idaho falls offers a natural and holistic solution to fertility for men and women, and can give you a good idea of what to look for in this type of setting.
Getting professional advice and or treatment sooner rather than later is always in your best interest. You are the only one who knows when you are ready to start a family, but you may want to consider at least consulting with a doctor to see where your fertility stands.