In life, many of us accept that if we want something, we have to work for it. So in order to enjoy tasty and delicious meals, we have to learn how to cook. This also goes for our social understanding and wisdom – for instance, avoiding those people who show blatant disregard for others and only speak about themselves are people we inherently know to give a wide berth to – and we do this because we want the quality of our social experiences to grow.

But it’s true that if you weren’t taught this type of mindset, or didn’t learn the lesson through a difficult life experience, then it may not occur to you at all. For this reason, sometimes it’s okay to begin from scratch, even in the areas of life we might consider basic wisdom.
So – if you have little sense of body positivity or a low self-image, don’t worry, because this can be learned in kind. Think of it as a muscle you have to train, as confidence may be hard for some people to just apply without any real understanding of what it is, and how to distinguish it from arrogance.
Let’s consider some advice for achieving that, below:
Invest In Yourself
It’s good to invest in yourself, willingly, and with care. Subconsciously, this defines you as someone who is worth investing in. That might sound silly, but it does make a real difference. Let’s say you really start to take care of your health, attending the gym three times a week, eating healthy, tracking what you eat, and trying to hit your micronutrient goals. You may even do yoga twice a week, and make sure to get enough sleep. Do you think you’ll feel better about yourself if you’re the person making an effort to care for you? Odds are, yes, because we tend to look after the things we care about.
Love Your Unique Markers
You may be insecure about certain features you have. While there’s no problem in molding your look in a way you enjoy, such as by using Botox provided it’s healthy and in moderation, it’s also good to accept some of your flaws that you feel you have, like a birthmark on your cheek, thinner lips that you’d like, or whatever else it is. After all – imagine how boring looking perfect and the same as anyone else would be. It’s not going to rectify anything, and instead it might rob you of the character you have. So, celebrating your unique markers, deliberately, is often a healthy way forward.
Appreciate The Beauty In Others
If you appreciate the beauty and wonder in others, you tend to be more forgiving of yourself. So, it’s nice to support your friends, or to appreciate the beauty in those who may not be ‘conventionally beautiful’ by magazine standards – which, by the way, most people aren’t. When you accept others, you tend to accept yourself more easily.
With this advice, we hope you can make positive self-image a core component of your life. The irony here is that an approach like this, while it seems like a way to ‘cope,’ is actually more true than constant self-denigration. You’re allowed to feel positive about that!