The Advanced Medical Care clinic has created all the conditions for the diagnosis and treatment of various pathological processes occurring with damage to nerve tissues. To slow down the progression of the process and reduce the frequency of relapses and exacerbations, advanced neurology helps dynamically monitor the disease and give recommendations for treatment.

Neurological diseases are quite common and their feature is that these diseases are chronic and usually progressive. Also, all neurological disorders can be divided into congenital and acquired, for example, as a result of an injury. A separate place in the list is occupied by diseases depending on the cause of their occurrence. Advanced neurology successfully treats common diseases:
- Cerebral circulation disorders;
- Vascular encephalopathy;
- Atherosclerotic arterial disease;
- Headache, migraine;
- Vestibular disorders;
- Parkinson’s disease;
- Hyperkinesis;
- Trigeminal neuralgia;
- Polyneuropathies;
- Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis;
- Epilepsy and other paroxysmal conditions;
- Vegetative dystonia.
In any disease, early diagnosis is important, and especially neurological, since in some diseases of the nervous system advanced neurology can stop the spread of large-scale lesions.
How is a consultation with a top neurologist in NYC going?
A consultation with a top neurologist in NYC takes place in several stages. First of all, the patient describes the symptoms that bother him, and the possible causes of their occurrence. After analyzing the complaints, the doctor proceeds to the examination: he examines the general neurological state of the patient, analyzes motor activity, examines the patient for hand tremors, face and body asymmetries.
After the initial examination, it is not always possible to accurately determine the diagnosis. Therefore, a neurologist uses modern methods of diagnosing the disease. Diagnostic methods in neurology in Queens:
- Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) — magnetic resonance imaging allows to obtain visualized information about the state of the brain substance, soft tissue structures of the body, spinal ligaments, detailed images of nerve fibers and intervertebral discs without the use of X-ray irradiation.
- Computed tomography (CT) — a method of radiation diagnostics that allows to analyze the investigated organs and tissues of a person for the presence of pathologies. It is possible to get an accurate layer-by-layer image of the ‘slices’ of the spine, skull, brain and spinal cord.
- Electroneuromyography (ENMG) — a unique study of the functional state of muscles and peripheral nerves, which allows to determine the causes of muscle spasms, pain and lumbago in the back, the cause of muscle weakness.
- X-ray — a method of radiation diagnostics, which allows examining the state of the bones of the skull and the musculoskeletal system.
- Ultrasound examination (ECG) — with the help of ultrasound diagnostics, it is possible to obtain real-time information about the functional state of blood vessels, including the great vessels of the brain (main arteries, vertebral arteries, posterior cerebral arteries, carotid arteries and their branches).
- Laboratory research — in neurology in Queens, NY, laboratory methods are used in order to get a complete picture of the disease, to clarify or exclude the disease, to check the effectiveness of treatment.
Modern neurology in Queens has made great strides not only in the development of progressive treatment regimens, but also in the creation of advanced diagnostic techniques.