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What can you do if you don’t have a chance to speak to a college committee directly to impress them with your knowledge and charisma? The answer is simple. To write a great application essay. Maybe it is a little bit intimidating, but it is a unique opportunity to show the features and skills you have in a couple of minutes only. An admission essay is not a burden, it is a wonderful opportunity to get accepted to the desired uni even if the grades are not impressive at all. So, take that opportunity seriously enough and do your best to impress the committee with what you’re going to write. Don’t panic! You’re not required to be a professional writer to succeed in your application process. Our small, but effective tips will help you with this. In case you need your application right now, you can try Edubirdie AU to get a professional writing assistance from qualified authors.
Admission Essay Writing Tricks
Your admission essay should contain that kind of information, which can’t be found in any other part of your application. In other words, don’t make your essay a list of grades and achievements. Look at it as a personal story about yourself. What would you like to know about a student if you were an admission officer? Write about your personal experiences. Try to be unique and stand out. It is okay to write about the experiences, which other students also have. The only rule here is to tell it in your own way, describing everything from your own point of view. Using cliche phrases isn’t enough. Explain why this or that experience is meaningful for you specifically. Let your essay show how you think and perceive the world around. Don’t be afraid to mention your weaknesses. Everyone had failures in their lives. The only difference is that some people know how to learn from those failures to become better. So, tell the committee what failures have influenced your achievements.
- Make your essay authentic. Share what you’re passionate about. Don’t read someone else’s application, trying to find some interesting things, which you can add to your own essay. Your writing should give a sense of what you’re really like as an individual. Admission officers clearly understand if the student is writing in his/her own way, or whether he/she is trying to combine all best features taken from other sources only to get accepted;
- Write in a way to stand out. This doesn’t mean you have to write in a super fun way or to use inappropriate language and so on. It means writing what you feel is right. Of course, you should stick to a typical essay structure you’ve learned at school, but without taking it too seriously. Don’t think about your application essay as about any other writing assignment you’ve written before. It is okay if don’t stick to a standard.
- Tell a story, which is showing who you are instead of trying to fit your writing into some well-known structure formulas;
- Always imagine yourself as a student of that university or college, which you’re applying to. When writing an essay, imagine yourself already as a student but not as a candidate. What would you contribute to that place? Why are you a perfect candidate for that university community? How do your passions fit that place? How can you demonstrate and use your best skills and experiences at that place? A committee should see you as a perfect candidate for their institution while reading your essay.
And the last but not the least, write in your own words. Many students write about themselves in a manner, in which teachers or professional academic writers compose. Don’t do that. Forget about academic vocabulary. Use a conversational language instead. At the same time, avoid slang words and cliche phrases. Just imagine how would you talk to the committee officers if you had a chance to communicate with them in real life. Hopefully, these small tips will make your essay stand out from thousands of other applications, written by so many students each year. These recommendations can be utilized mostly for all of the places you’re going to apply to.