Playground equipment in any educational setting must be picked specifically for the age group it’s intended. That couldn’t be more important for Early Years settings. Not only does playground equipment for this age group provide fantastic stimulus during break times but it also aids in their development in more ways than many realise.

From helping with balance and coordination to allowing young ones to socialise and develop their own sense of interpersonal skills; there are a range of different types of equipment that can aid with all of these and more. Below, we’re going to give you a short guide to early years playground equipment – what it does and how it can benefit your early years settings.
Early Years Climbing Frames
Early years climbing frames are an incredible addition to any setting, offering a place for young ones to not only burn up excess energy but further develop their physical strength and coordination. From hand eye coordination to motor skills and more; early years climbing frames are made with the early years foundation stage child in mind.
From rope climbing frames to freestanding rock climbing frames; we’ve designed this equipment specifically to provide a safe environment for young ones to experiment with their ability and develop themselves further through play and what’s more, children won’t realise they’re furthering their own development for the simple fact that they’re learning through the form of play.
Creative Equipment
Creative play equipment comes in a variety of shapes and sizes, from arts and crafts equipment to music equipment. From little artists’ perspex panels for messy paint play to musical chimes; this particular variety of early years playground equipment really gives little ones the chance to learn with their eyes, ears and hands. This type of equipment has been designed by our incredible team to provide early years foundation stage children with an outdoor classroom experience, allowing them to discover new sights and sounds at their own pace.
Sensory Equipment
Sensory playground equipment such as mud kitchens are ideal for allowing young ones to get closer to nature in a safe environment. Mud kitchens let children really get to grips with earth, soil and other natural elements while also learning to share their space and socialise with other children. Here at Sovereign Play, we make all of our equipment out of solid timber, which makes our mud kitchens and other related equipment robust enough for even the messiest of play.
Contact Sovereign Early Years Today
If you’d like more information on the early years equipment available here at Sovereign Early Years, please don’t hesitate to contact our team today. We’ll be only too happy to help you find the right equipment for your setting and budget. Call today on 01702-804-198.