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Unlike humans, dogs are predators, not omnivores. Dogs should not be fed with most foods that people eat without problems. They disrupt the functioning of internal organs, lead to systemic diseases, acute poisoning. And some food can cause death. The diet of the four-legged pet should be as close as possible to its ancestors’ nutrition – wolves. It includes everything that a pet can get itself in the wild.
Some breeds can tolerate certain foods better than others, but even if your pet ate them in the past without any problems, this does not mean that in the future, they will not harm his health. If your dog eats everything, read this review of prohibited products for dogs.
Camylla Battani / Unsplash
The most dangerous food
Some products lead to dire consequences. The owners know about them, but some stubbornly ignore the prohibitions and continue to give such goodies. These foods include:
- Spicy, smoked, pickled, seasoned, salty dishes, sausages. The abundance of salt and fat provokes inflammation of the pancreas, liver, inversion of intestines, obesity, disrupts the water-salt balance, the work of the liver, joints, increases pressure.
- Chocolate. It contains theobromine, which leads to poisoning, convulsions, arrhythmias. And in large quantities, it may cause death.
- Alcohol. It threatens intoxication, heart failure, paralysis of the nervous system, death.
- Sweets. Destroys teeth, leads to diabetes, obesity, gastrointestinal upset.
- Yeast dough products. They cause fermentation, lead to painful colic, and occasionally to rupture of the intestinal walls.
- Coffee and tea. Caffeine in the composition of drinks is harmful to the heart and nervous system. It also disrupts the digestive system.
Dogs are predators and meat-eaters. But not all meat is equally useful. So, animals cannot be fed:
- Fish, chicken, tubular bones. The fragments may damage the digestive tract, get stuck between the teeth and the throat, and lead to suffocation.
- Raw river fish. The risk of infection with helminths, injury by small bones.
It is absorbed only by puppies, at adult pets, it causes diarrhea.
Bekky Bekks / Unsplash
Raw chicken eggs
The avidin-enzyme inhibits the synthesis and absorption of vitamin B1, leading to skin and coat diseases. Salmonella may also be affected.
Plant food
Vegetables, fruits, berries, cereals can supply pets with vitamins. Without them, the normal functioning of the digestive system is impossible. However, several plant products are dangerous for dogs.
Prohibited fruits and vegetables:
- Spitz and orange Peaches, persimmons, plums. Lead to bowel obstruction.
- Grapes, raisins, currants. Cause kidney failure. Although some dogs, regardless of breed, carry the berries normally, it is not worth the risk.
- Citrus fruits, kiwi, pineapple. They lead to allergies, inflammation of the stomach.
- Raw cabbage. Provokes increased gas formation.
- Potatoes – raw, boiled, fried. It contains many easily digestible carbohydrates, starch, and solanine, which are harmful to the pet’s body.
- Broccoli. Toxic in large quantities due to isocyanate.
- Onion and garlic. The presence of thiosulfates provokes anemia.
- Bones from fruits and pomegranates. They cause intestinal obstruction, contain cyanide poisonous for dogs.
- Avocado. Avocados are toxic to dogs for various reasons: avocado leaves, seeds, skin, and flesh contain persin, which causes indigestion. If an avocado tree grows in your home, make sure that the puppy cannot reach it. Persin is not harmful to humans, but it severely affects the body of dogs in large quantities.
Cereals, herbs and more:
- Beans
Poorly digested and absorbed, lead to flatulence.
- Corn
Allergen, which leads to indigestion, spoils teeth, raises blood sugar.
- Sorrel and rhubarb
Due to oxalates, the urinary system is disturbed.
- Spinach
Contains toxic oxalate, harmful in large quantities.
- Hop
It provokes shortness of breath, cramps, fever, and heart palpitations.
- Porridge made from corn, wheat, semolina, pearl barley
Poorly digested and digested, causing bloating.
- Mushrooms
High probability of poisoning, they present harmful to the liver and pancreas chitin.
- Nuts
They are not absorbed by dogs, disrupt the digestive tract.
The list of products that can not be given to dogs will be useful not only to adherents of natural food but also to those who feed the dog with automated feeds. Click here for more information on what not to give your dogs. If one of the above ingredients is indicated in the composition, you should not buy products. It is essential to search for a superior quality of food to feed pets, considering all their health features. According to ThePets reviews research dry dog food is better when a dog is on a diet, these foods are nutritionally dense, so it is packed full of calories.
What of the forbidden food can sometimes be given to dogs?
You may not manage to withstand the pitiful look of the doggie and not pamper it with something delicious. Well, in small quantities, the dog is allowed to feast on:
- Bread and flour products
Lead to overweight, constipation, flatulence. Occasionally, a pet can be pampered. It is advisable to treat the doggie not with buns and cookies, but with crackers, bagels.
- Celery
Contains many useful elements and vitamins. But the vegetable is coarse and fibrous, and the dogs do not know how to chew – they only shred the food and swallow it in pieces. If you want to give doggie some celery, it must be chopped in a meat grinder or blender – so the greens quickly pass through the digestive tract and are absorbed by the body.
- Cheese
Dogs adore him. But the product contains lactose and fats, which are poorly absorbed. Therefore, you can give low-fat types in small portions – as a treat or reward.
- Boiled and stewed cabbage
The heat-treated vegetable is digested better than raw. But they should feed the dog carefully and occasionally.
- Peanuts and Peanut Butter
The only bean that is recommended for dogs. The nucleoli contain niacin, vegetable fats, vitamins E and group B.
- Dried fruits
Dried apricots and prunes are an excellent treat during training.
- Ice cream
Yes, unhealthy sweetness. But you can treat a dog once every 1 – 2 months. You need to take a clean ice cream without fillers and dyes. It is advisable to melt the dessert so that the pet does not catch a cold.
Dogs diet should be made of:
- Low-fat meat – beef, veal, rabbit, turkey, chicken. It is the basis of the dog menu, the primary source of protein, fat, energy. Offal – liver, heart, kidneys. They contain most of the beneficial vitamins and elements.
- Sea fish – source of protein, calcium, phosphorus, fatty acids.
- Porridge made from rice, buckwheat, for puppies – oatmeal. It normalizes the digestive tract, saturate the body with vitamins.
- Dairy products. They contain calcium, vitamins D, B, E, A. Yogurt and cottage cheese are necessary for the full functioning of the intestines.
- Large, solid bones covered with cartilage. It trains the jaw, brush your teeth.
- Lettuce, parsley, dill are enriched with vitamins A, C, K.
- Strawberries and Blueberries. Additional sources of vitamins, antioxidants, improve bowel function.
- Carrots and pumpkins. They improve vision, the condition of hair and skin, and the work of the stomach.
- Coreless apples and pears. They contain many useful elements, stimulate peristalsis.
- Bananas – full of vitamins B, C.
Ben Hanson / Unsplash
Dogs cannot be fed cat food – it contains more fat, meat, less fiber, and cereals (they are not added to the holistic class line at all). There is no need to panic if the dog steals a piece of sausage, biscuit, or fried meat – this is not fatal. The main thing is that such food should not become a habit. It is also worth watching that the dog does not pick up garbage on the street and is not treated to the forbidden treats by guests and compassionate strangers. Low-quality dog food, dried food diets, as well as milky or dairy products and soy products can significantly increase gas production during the digestion process and often causes flatulence in dogs. You can read this related article on 7 reasons dogs fart and 7 ways of stopping the smell.