Dryer vents trap debris and lint from clothes, and this can cause inefficiency in your machine. A dirty vent does allow air circulation in the machine, which causes it to accumulate a lot of heat. Lint is highly flammable, and a combination of lint with heat can lead to a fire break out. A blocked dryer vent also uses a lot of energy to dry clothes leading to a rise in energy bills. Since the machine uses a lot of energy, this can lead to wear and tear of its mechanical parts, which will be expensive to repair. To avoid this, you need to opt for commercial dryer vent cleaning services.
Sometimes the machine is completely damaged due to overworking, and you might have to replace it. Commercial dryers are likely to suffer from these problems because they dry a lot of clothes often. It is advisable to do commercial dryer vent cleaning frequently to ensure no lint and debris in the dryer vent.

- Signs to show it is time to clean the dryer vent
Even after an expert advises you to wait for a certain period to do commercial dryer vent cleaning, it is essential to take action if you notice these signs.
- Your machine takes longer than usual to dry the clothes. This is caused by its inefficiency, which happens when there is lint blocking the exit way. When the dryer takes a long time to dry your clothes, it will also consume a lot of energy. If you start paying higher energy bills, it is a sign that your vent needs to be cleaned.
- Do you touch your dryer to feel how hot it is after a drying process? Although there could be some warmth on the machine, it should not be very hot to burn your hands. A dryer becomes hot when there is little or no air circulation. This is caused by the blockage of the vent by lint. Your clothes might also come out very hot, and this only happens to faulty dryers.
- If your laundry room has burning smell after a cleaning process, it is essential to check if the dryer is okay. Do so by checking if the vent is clean. This smell is caused by overheating of the dryer parts due to lack of air circulation in the machine.
- How often should you do commercial dryer vent cleaning?
Although commercial dryers do more drying work than domestic ones, they do not need a lot of attention because they are big. Your technician might advise you to check the vent after 3-5 years. However, if you notice any of the mentioned signs above, it is wise to inspect your dryer.
The amount of laundry you clean in one round or the number of times you clean your clothes in a week or month also determines how often you need to clean your dryer vent. If you also notice that your dryer is taking more time to dry clothes, check if the vent is clean.