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Choosing the right freeze is never a straightforward process. There are a couple of considerations to have in mind which can be overwhelming if you’re doing it for the first time. There are two main types of freezers to choose from when you’re out shopping. The two are Upright freezers and chest freezers.

Chest Freezers
These are wide open freezers with the exception of the removable hanging baskets and dividers which offer more usable space. Such models are usually more energy efficient and there will be less freezer burn out on foods compared to some other models.
The temperatures are constantly low because they don’t self-defrost compared to chest freezers. It could also be the best solution if you live in an area that constantly experiences brownouts. The food will be kept frozen for longer even if the power is off.
When it comes to disadvantages, these types of freezers can present a challenge in an organization even with the availability of hanging baskets. It will be a challenge to retrieve items that are the bottom of the freezer. They also come with manual defrost which can be time-consuming to control.
Upright Freezers
Upright freezers will generally take less floor space compared to chest freezers. You can easily organize the storage space which can come in handy if you’re storing a lot of food items in the freezer. It is ideal if you’re looking for freezer storage solutions that make good use of space. You get to choose between manual and automatic defrosting. It should be noted that manual defrosting could take hours and you will have to empty the freezer before you do so. Upright freezers are available in different finishes and you have a variety of choices to select which might not be the case for chest freezers.
One of the disadvantages with upright freezers is the ability to keep the door shelf as cool as the rest of the unit. It is also difficult to adjust the shelves in this kind of units to accommodate unique storage needs. The design allows for air to circulate around food which is likely to lead to a freezer burn. Upright freezers end to be more expensive that chest freezers which could be a deal breaker for some people. You can even upgrade for a display freezer which can be quite a nice addition to any kitchen.
Getting the Freezer
There are bare-bone freezers still in the market today which will only care about utility. This can make it a challenge to keep food organized in the freezer. There has been a lot of improvements in terms of functionality and energy efficiency and there is no reason why you should go for a bare-bone freezer. Before you can go out shopping for a new freezer, here are some of the factors that you need to have in mind.
Some freezers can be noisy and it might not be ideal keeping them in the living room area. You should also check the manufacturer’s specifications if you intend to put the freezer in an unheated area like the garage.
The size of the freezer will also matter when you’re out shopping. You have the option of choosing a small, compact, or large freezer. Upright freezers tend to take less space and are seen as the ideal solution if you don’t have a lot of real estate in the home or a restaurant.
Blackout Recovery
The majority of manufacturers will state that their freezers can keep food frozen for up to 24 hours if the power is off so long as the freezer is not opened to allow in air. There are some upright freezers that have a tendency of allowing an increase in temperature after 12 hours.
Maintaining a consistent temperature is crucial if the freezer is to keep the food cold. This can be a challenge if the freezer has a manual defrost. There should be efficient fans to circulate air evenly throughout the unit.
Energy Use
Even if the freezer has an Energy Star rating, you shouldn’t be surprised if it is not as energy efficient as it claims to be. Most of the tests don’t factor in real life situations even if they meet the stipulated guidelines and regulations.
Once you’ve got the freezer, there are some things you could do to promote efficiency. You can keep it a cool area where it below room temperature. Check the specifications on maintenance to ensure that the freezer is at peak performance. The lid should be kept closed at all times. Have a stock of what is needed so that you don’t always have to open it.
Learn more on how you can be as energy efficient as possible with energy providers like to start saving hundreds on your bill.