I participated in a campaign on behalf of Mom Central Consulting (#MC) for Mom Corps YOU. I received a free trial to facilitate my review and a promotional item as a thank you for participating.
Before I had children I worked as a dental assistant. I really loved that job. It was something I found to be very fulfilling. I liked that it was always something different everyday, different patients, different dental work to be done. I also liked that it wasn’t all sitting or all standing, I did a lot of both. For me it was the perfect job. I loved interacting with all the people. I think that is the most important thing when deciding on a career or a job choice. You need to find something that you will enjoy. If in the mean time you have to work somewhere that isn’t your ultimate goal, then stay focused on that goal and make the most out of the job your at. Focus on the positive and become the best you can be in what you are currently in.
Since I am not at home with my kids I am not currently working for anyone, but I do work on The Bragging Mommy daily. So I have had some struggles with balancing taking care of my kids and working from home.
I have found a great resource that I want to introduce you to, it is Mom Corps YOU:
“Mom Corps, a national award-winning professional talent acquisition and career development firm, has launched Mom Corps YOU, an online community to help professionals better integrate their professional and personal lives. Mom Corps believes that work-life satisfaction is best achieved when you can take ownership of several key areas of your life, including career, finances and health & wellness, and this subscription-based community provides education, resources and tools to help you do just that.”
I love all that is available through this site. You can tune into live webinars and events, or watch the recorded version later. I really enjoyed the “Top 10 Tips for Work-Life Balance” webinar that they had, I wasn’t able to view it live, but I was able to watch the recorded version later. There are so many articles and tools available that are so helpful to me. There is even a list of recommended books to read which I love.
Once my kids are a little older I will most likely be returning to work and I love that I have Mom Corps YOU to help me.
Visit www.MomCorpsYOU.com to start using this great resource for working moms and moms who are wanting to return to work.
Mom Corps YOU is available via an online subscription for an introductory annual price of $99.99 (regularly $149.99) or $19.99 a month.
Mom Corps YOU gets Bragging Rights!