Although a newborn baby can bring excitement and whirlwind of activity, it also brings plenty of fatigue and stress.
A new addition to your family brings bundles of happiness in your life but it also can be more challenging for first-time parents. New mothers may not have the idea of what to do after getting home. After gone through delivery now you’re ready to go back to your home with a lot of new responsibilities.

For new mothers, we have created a complete guide to keep the stress under control. By following the below-mentioned tips, newly mothers can handle things that can make them overwhelmed.
Start With One-Month-Old Baby
During the first month, taking care of a newborn baby can be overwhelmed. It takes unlimited things to be considered to avoid any risk. It includes various actions, including holding, breastfeeding, knowing all about baby food, comforting and bathing.
Holding: When we say holding it does not mean come and hold a baby. During the first four to five months, every baby holder needs to maintain the posture of a baby. Make sure to put your hand below the head in order to give support to the baby. Why you need it? Because you newborn baby’s neck muscles are not developed in the starting few so whenever you pick your baby, you’ll need to support his head.
Bathing: It is the next thing most new moms find challenging. Make sure to put all the supplies beforehand, so you don’t miss out even a single moment. Use baby cleanser and avoid using shampoo because it can irritate your baby’s eyes and your baby’s sensitive skin.
Breastfeeding: Feeding is the first nurturing act a mother performs for a newborn baby. In starting months, a newborn baby survives on milk. A newborn baby does not have a sense of day and night. They often wake up to eat no matter what time it is.
Infants should sleep around 13-16 hours. Breastfed newborns feed about every two to three hours while bottle-fed newborns tend to feed less.
Invest in Monitoring Device
Most parents chose to room-share with a newborn. They consider to put baby’s court near the bed instead of in the separate nursery. This keeps a baby near the mother and allows the mother to monitor, comfort, and feed the baby. Although room-sharing with your infant is a good idea, you can also use baby monitor devices to keep a check on your newborn. Nowadays, these devices are easily available in the market, but if you want baby monitors buying guide, then several online websites are providing people with a complete guide.
Sleeping Guide
Your newborn baby needs more care while sleeping. I have gathered a few helpful recommendations to make your baby’s sleeping experience the best possible. For more support, take a look at this sleep consultant for babies, online help.
- Don’t let your baby sleep on his/her stomach always place your infant on his/her back.
- Put your baby on a firm place for sleep
- Keep all toys, unfitted sheet, bumper pads, pillows, and quilts out of baby’s sleeping area.
- Keep the temperature of baby’s room normal. It should not be overheated as sweat pop out from an infant’s body.