If you’re planning on getting a travel credit card, there are a variety of things to pay attention to. Before you actually sign up, you need to think about all sorts of elements of the credit card, with many of these things being elements that you might not have considered. When you’re finding your next travel credit card, make sure you take these five things into account.
1. Annual Fee That Makes Sense
An annual fee isn’t necessarily a bad thing on a credit card; especially when it comes to a travel credit card, it may pay back dividends when it comes to the benefits a card with a fee provides. However, the fee needs to make sense for your financial needs and for the benefits the card provides. If it’s too expensive, you might not be saving much.
2. General Benefits on Every Trip
What benefits does the travel card provide with every trip? It’s extremely common to see travel credit cards that provide you with unique upgrades and benefits every time you make a purchase. Whether it’s free in-flight Wi-Fi or access to breakfasts that you typically have to pay for, these benefits can make every trip feel a bit more like home.
3. Anniversary Benefits That You Get Once Yearly
It’s very common for cards to offer benefits that you can use a certain number of times per year, or benefits that you get on your cardholder anniversary that are only valid for a certain amount of time. These anniversary benefits are often hefty, as they’re a reason for you to stay on year after year, so check for them before you sign up.
4. Simple Redemption Process
What’s the process of redeeming your benefits? Do you just need to check out with your credit card? Do you need to redeem points or miles into a certificate, then use the certificate on your checkout? Do you need to actually call the company? Different companies use different redemption processes, so make sure you know the process for the company you’re signing up with.
5. Introductory Sign-On Bonus
An introductory bonus can be a huge way to get benefits on your travel credit card. Some travel credit cards will provide you with hundreds of dollars’ worth of introductory benefits, which can give you full trips for free. Take for example the United Explorer card that has an offering of 70,000 miles for new cardholders.
Finding a great travel credit card is becoming easier and easier now that there are so many of them out there. However, just because you find a credit card, that doesn’t mean you should necessarily apply to it without thinking hard about it beforehand. With these five things in mind, you can make sure that you’re applying to a travel credit card that will be worth its weight in gold for you.