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Hemp flower and its products are progressively gaining ground in the world and any people are becoming increasingly interested in what it is and how it works. Going through the internet, you would probably see lots of articles about CBD hemp flowers with topics like ‘top quality hemp flower in 2021’ and the like. One topic that isn’t commonly written on CBD hemp flower is, that of this article you are reading.
There are so many important things that hemp experts don’t tell us about hemp flowers and they do this due to reason known to them. In this article I have put together a few points that have been in our faces for a long time but we might not have taken notice of them. For those that don’t have an idea of what CBD hemp flower is, it’s an active ingredient that is traced to Cannabis which is derived from the hemp plant, it is one of the 113 cannabinoids that is found in cannabis plants.
Consuming CBD flowers has been confirmed to be a healing method for anxiety, depression as it helps improve moods while also posing as a pain reliever and can be used in medication for serious illness like epilepsy.

10 things hemp experts don’t divulge about hemp flowers
- It interacts with certain brain receptors
One of the major things most expect would not tell you are the fact that CBD, interacts with some of the brain receptors in the body. Some of these receptors include Vanilloid receptor, Serotonin receptors, and Ppars-nuclear receptors to mention a few. Should the content/component be wrongly stated, using such CBD products might have bad effects on the body.
- It has its side effects
Rarely stated but usage of Hemp flower products, has its own side effects when you use any of the products. These side effects rarely come into play but once in a while it might occur. Most experts might skip this part because they feel it isn’t really important. However, since all body systems are not wired to work the same way. Some of the side effects include;
- tooth decay (CBD edibles)
- cardiovascular and pulmonary health issues
- nausea and dizziness
- dry mouths etc.
- Lack of regulation
The regulation that governs and restricts the sales of CBD in the wrong are is lacking and thus as led several hemp Flower companies in presenting CBD falsely to users. Their bogus claims are mostly not totally backed and checked by any regulatory body thus it is important to make a thorough research before picking any product. Also, the correct amount of dosage to use is currently unknown to this point and this means there is no benchmark on the quantity to use.
- It might be labeled incorrectly
The labeling might be tweaked to show that the company has followed the guidelines that govern the production of any CBD product. This is why it is necessary to make thorough research and try to pick a brand that you would remain loyal to over a long period.
- Research carried out are not broad enough
Research into the uses and benefits of Hemp flower is being carried out regularly to broaden the knowledge researchers have about this product. With this point stated, it would be nice to also state that experts would keep to themselves the fact that there is still the need to makes lots of research before they can be completely sure of how hemp flowers and CBD products work, its uses, and its side effect.
- Not all medical benefit has been proven by scientists
There are many health benefits of CBD has been claimed to be a cure for however, not all this claim has been confirmed by scientists and medical researchers. A lot of claims have been developed without concrete research to verify that it actually works for these ailments and conditions.
- Users may develop an unhealthy habit
The idea of hemp products curing certain health issues might lead users to creating an unhealthy usage habit of the CBD hemp product. Research shows that CBD hemp products can get you addicted however due to certain unhealthy habits formed by users using Hemp flowers could be worse than addiction in some cases. Usually, this unhealthy habit might lead to what is known as high tolerance which results in having weaker effects.
- Might irritate your lungs and risk toxin inhalation
Although hemp is not regarded as a carcinogenic agent, smoking hemp products irritate the lungs to a great extent. Even with the great health benefit hemp flower possesses, smoking hemp like every other smokable product affects the lungs and irritates it. Also inhaling toxins which might be harmful to the body comes with smoking hemp products.
- Might interact negatively with prescription pills
If you are on medication, it is advisable to avoid using any CBD product as it at times interacts with prescribed drugs negatively. Make sure you seek medical advice from your physician if you wish to make use of any CBD product while on a medication to avoid a negative reaction to your body.
- User might fail dope test
For athletes and those workers who are required to take doping tests from time to time, CBD might not be a good product for them. This is because of the presence of Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) even how minute it could be would always be shown on your report. The sports world advocates using THC and some workplaces are against using THC.
Not taking anything away from the producers and the hemp flower itself, the benefit of hemp flower is huge. This doesn’t remove the fact that whatever feels good and nice always has the negative aspect. The potential benefit of Hemp flower defiantly outweighs the risk of using any product made from hemp flowers. We are of the opinion that it would be nice to just spell out some of the red flags which most expect may keep to themselves so they do not spook you off using this wonderful and really beneficial product.