Being of japanese descent, sushi was my life when I was growing up. Hitting the big 18 and moving to Brazil to continue my studies was a life-long plan, which I had accomplished. Being a big fan of sushi, I instantly started looking for more and more places to get sushi, some felt like home while some just scarred me. Since “Brazil is home to the largest Japanese population outside Japan.” I made a lot of friends in the workplace and with good friends, come good suggestions.
I found a sushi place not too far away from my home and went there almost every day, ignoring the stain it left on my pockets, it was something I always looked forward to after a long day at work and school. My parents were clueless as to where I was spending so much money and why I constantly needed more, this is where things got tense.
Almost Going Broke:
This was a new experience, I was in the constant need of sushi and a constant need of money, my rent was really high which my job compensated for but the extra money I had usually went towards trying new sushi places and brazillian food chains. So I thought to myself, why not just learn how to make sushi myself instead of paying someone else to do it? I went on the internet and tried many different recipes, which resulted in a demolished kitchen and a terrible experience overall.
After going through various websites, I found out that to make the perfect sushi I’d need the perfect sushi maker kit, something whose existence I was completely oblivious to before. After reading about sushi making kits from, I gave the “All In One Sushi Bazooka Maker” a shot, it suited my needs perfectly and after trying it out, found it to be just what I had been missing my whole life.
Making The Perfect Sushi:
Having a sushi making kit wasn’t enough, I had to learn how to make sushi with the kit from someone who had experience with it. Many videos I saw weren’t clicking with me so I went back to my roots, called my mom and had her guide me through the sushi making process, which took it’s sweet time but the result was something I hadn’t expected. I made the best sushi I’d ever tasted in my life, the bazooka kit had made me the perfect sushi leaving me blown away (pun intended), and I was more satisfied than I’d ever been.
After giving it a couple more tries and mastering the sushi making kit, I invited my colleagues and school friends and showed off my japanese descent by making them fall in love with sushi. Now I’m financially stable and saving more money than I ever thought I would, by just getting a sushi making kit. My friends too are getting sushi making kits of their own and are over the moon with their new purchases.