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The guitar is a musical instrument that has been popular for many decades. With every passing day, the number of people who are eager to learn guitar increases. The fact that you’re reading this article indicates that you are also one of the many people who wish to be singing under the spotlight on a stage or a casual party.
You cannot learn to play the guitar just by reading an article, but it may deliver the information that is necessary for you to know before you start playing. However, if you wish to gather knowledge about some of the other musical equipment, you can visit
What Are the Different Types of Guitars?
Basically, guitars can be classified into two types: Acoustic and Electric. As indicated by its name, and Electric guitar would require you to plug it into an amplifier so that it produces a loud sound. On the flip side, an acoustic guitar can be played without any such electrical equipment. However, if you wish to perform in front of a large audience, it is advised to use a microphone or plug the acoustic guitar in an amplifier so that everyone can hear the music loud and clear.
There is also another type of guitar known as the bass guitar. While regular guitars have six strings, a bass guitar has four.
What Are the Main Parts of a Guitar?
The entire body, including the neck of the guitar, is made of wood. Strings are laid along the fingerboard that runs along the neck and has metal strips called frets. These frets guide your fingers while playing. The headstock lies at the tip of the neck and comprises of pegs that are used to tune the guitar. There is no hard and fast rule for it, but it is advised to play the guitar with a triangle-shaped pick. However, many people prefer to play it with fingers as well.
The Tuning Process
In order to tune a guitar, you should have some basic knowledge about musical notes. These musical notes follow the letters from A to G and then start over again on a higher octave. The pattern of notes in which a regular guitar is to be tuned is E, A, D, G, B, and a higher E. On the flip side, the bass guitar needs to be tuned according to the following notes: E, A, D, and G.
If you face difficulties in tuning a guitar manually, you can go for easier methods such as using an electric tuner or downloading a guitar tuner app on your smartphone and using it. That will help a lot.
How to Play the Guitar?
To play the guitar, you need to learn to play the chords. These chords are basically groups of notes that are played together. Different songs have different combinations of chords, being a beginner, you can watch YouTube tutorials and learn these combinations so that you can play your favourite songs easily. In order to make the process of learning easier, you can take online guitar lessons on Guitar Zoom where you will have access to everyday classes. The classes contain complete courses on theory, soloing, and everything you need to start playing and improving your skills.