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Many people take pregnancy for granted. The expectation is they will start trying and it will simply happen. After all, humans are made to procreate.

However, infertility rates are rising, for men and women. More and more people are looking to get help with becoming pregnant. That means looking at hormone injections, IVF, or even ICSI.
However, before you travel along this route it’s a good idea to get your body and mind ready for pregnancy, that’s why you should do the following pre-pregnancy checklist.
Get In Shape
We’re not talking about preparing to run a marathon or become an Olympic gymnast. But, you need to honestly look at your body and consider your weight and current fitness.
Losing a few pounds and start to exercise a bit more is good for your body. It makes you healthier and better able to deal with a pregnancy mentally and physically. You must also work with your doctor or visit CARE Family to know more about how fertility works to prepare you for sophisticated services and evaluation to help you achieve your dreams of a family.
All you need to do is 30 minutes of moderate exercise a day, just enough to get your heart pumping.
Before you even start trying to get pregnant you should be reviewing your diet. Decrease the number of sugary foods you eat and avoid processed foods wherever possible. This contributes to your health which has a direct effect on your baby as it grows inside you.
Don’t forget, now is also the time to start taking folic acid, it has been shown to help prevent defects in your unborn baby.
Get Checked Over
Now that you’re getting yourself mentally and physically ready you need to speak to your obstetrician Sydney. They can do a full workup on you to assess your health, the quality of your eggs, ovulation timings, and other important details.
They’ll become part of your support mechanism as you start trying to get pregnant.
They are also an essential link if there are fertility issues as they can start the process of artificial assistance. Make sure you choose one that you are comfortable talking to.
Dental Checkup
Surprisingly being pregnant increases your chances of developing gum disease! It’s a good idea to get a dental check-up and make sure you’re brushing your teeth twice a day and flossing once.
Having healthy teeth will help you smile confidently and be beneficial for your health while being pregnant.
Drop Caffeine, Alcohol, & Smoking
If you smoke and haven’t already quit then now is the time to do so. Smoking can be detrimental to the development of your unborn baby. It causes a variety of issues. You need to stop.
The jury is still out regarding alcohol but one thing is certain, little is better. If you need to drink alcohol stick to just one or two glasses a week.
You should also reduce your caffeine intake. While some caffeine is acceptable if you’re drinking more than 2 or 3 cups a day you need to cut back.
Finally, you’ll want to start budgeting for the baby. This means putting your money aside to cover the cost of the nursery and initial baby clothes. Babies are expensive but they are always worth it!