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Breast milk is an ideal food for the baby, it is a complete diet for the proper development of the baby. Breastfeeding experts specify that breastfeeding for up to 6 months is especially important, check out this breastfeeding guide. Mother’s milk will not be replaced by any of the most advanced artificial milk formulas. Biologically active substances contained in breast milk, hormones, enzymes ensure the proper development and formation of the body; antibodies, immune complexes of human milk protect the baby from various diseases. Already with the first drops of colostrum, a newborn baby receives natural immunization. About the benefits of breastfeeding, what difficulties mothers encounter when they feed their baby for the first time, what are the rules for breastfeeding and what are the courses for expectant mothers for? Here are some basic questions that every mother should know.
– What problems do mothers most often face when they feed their baby for the first time?
– A woman’s milk does not come immediately. Due to the lack of experience and knowledge, women do not know what to do, there is excitement why there is not enough milk, they do not understand how often and correctly it is necessary to put the baby to the breast. Some women have a problem that the child does not immediately take the breast, and the mother does not have enough knowledge why this is happening and she begins to worry a lot. There is a problem of not understanding what needs to be expressed, how to express and the inability to do this.
– Are there any general rules that expectant mothers need to know for sure?
– For each period there are recommendations. In the first day after childbirth, a woman needs to put her baby to her chest more often and decant. Milk comes on 3-4 days, in order to avoid a sharp arrival of milk, you need to start as early as possible and more often apply and decant. It is recommended to use special underwear and get a breast pump.
– What if the baby does not take the breast?
– And if you don’t take the chest, we don’t panic, we express. It is necessary to look for the reason why the baby does not take breasts – try to apply in different poses.
– And what are the reasons why the baby does not take breasts?
– The reasons can be different: for example, a flat nipple, an inverted nipple, deformation of the nipples, or the cause may be in the child himself – practical help and an individual approach to each woman and her child are already needed here.
– What help can future mothers receive in the preparation for motherhood?
– Today, almost every antenatal clinic has its own motherhood school where they make sure that the mom informed about the basic rule of breast feeding. In them, the work of specialists is more focused on preparing for childbirth; feeding is not given as close attention as we would like. In man such centers where experts talk about the benefits of breast milk, consider the physiological processes of the mammary glands, help to learn correctly, apply the baby to the breast and express properly, introduce future mothers to practical skills, analyze the myths about breastfeeding and the diet of a nursing woman, and also analyze all kinds of problems, with which the mother may encounter after the birth of the baby.
– There is a lot of information on the Internet that is accessible to everyone, is this not enough?
– Indeed, there is a lot of information on the Internet, and, often, there is conflicting information that women often cannot put together and understand what is right and what is not. Breastfeeding specialists rely on their own professional experience – without this, it would be very difficult for mothers to correctly convey information and show how everything really is. Sometimes, even a little advice, helps a woman orient in the right direction and establish breastfeeding. Reading information is not enough.
– Why don’t women want to breastfeed?
– Unfortunately, there are women who do not want to breastfeed their children. And the reasons may be different. Someone experiences discomfort and even pain during feeding, someone is afraid that the breast will lose its shape and attractiveness, someone simply does not know how to properly feed the baby. It is important to properly set up a woman, talk with her, show all the benefits and importance of breastfeeding, set her up in a positive way, help solve her problems associated with feeding a baby – this is exactly what we do in the courses.
– Why should a woman be interested in courses?
– At the birth of the first child, the woman has no experience. Moms often ask the question “why isn’t it possible?” it seems to them that it is so simple, a child was born, you took it, put it, he began to eat quietly and everything will be fine, but this is not enough. It doesn’t work because the woman never breast-fed, the baby never sucked her, they get used to each other for about 2-3 weeks. A baby can cry, he can lose it, a woman must understand what to do. In the course, we tell how to properly apply to the chest, what help is needed for lactostasis. Questions and possible unforeseen situations are being worked out. On the doll is training poses for feeding. Some issues are worked out individually.