Nobody can prepare you for donning the hat of a parent. Particularly for working mothers, juggling work commitments, social obligations and motherhood can sometimes get the better of you. While you are all for spending time with your children and you enjoy the motherhood experience, let’s admit there are days you want to pull your hair out!

Here’s some much needed solace for days when it seems impossible to survive: A Harvard study is proof that children of working mothers turn out to be happier adults. So, revel in the fact that you’re doing the right thing!
While it may seem like you are wading through an endless storm, all you need to do is tweak some basic aspects of your life to elicit that extra energy for all the roles you play. If you’re wondering how to boost your energy levels and get up to speed, we have got you covered. Here’s how you can refuel your mind, body and soul as a busy mom and a working woman.
Delegate and Delegate More
Every small way that your family can pitch in with household chores can, in totality, be of tremendous help to you. Get your children to take out the trash, segregate the laundry and mow the lawn. Call on that friendly neighbour to collect your child from day care. Get the husband to pitch in with dinner. That way, you would have ticked off your to-do list while also channelizing your child’s energy into something constructive. That’s one win-win situation you could do with often!
Take A Break
You can’t pour from an empty cup – take care of yourself first. Haven’t we heard enough of this famous saying? Most moms often forget what self-care means. In the chase of providing for family and taking care of necessities, taking time out for yourself seems impossible. In such situations, it is all the more necessary that busy moms take a day off every fortnight to do absolutely anything that pleases them without having to worry about that meal on the table. Whether it’s shopping, reading or napping – there’s statistics to show you need that break.
An MIT study confirms that taking frequent breaks improves mental capabilities, memories and experiences. You’re likely to come back refreshed, energised and charged up for the week that lies ahead.
Plan Your Week
Make sure you chart out all you need to achieve during the week. Whether it’s that impending presentation at work or getting your child prepared for their upcoming test, know what lies ahead for you in the coming week. You can channel your time and efforts accordingly, and tools like an AI Daily Planner can help you stay organized and focused. Knowing what’s on hand also helps with the all-important aspect of prioritization. PS: Don’t forget to earmark some me-time amidst all those tasks and deadlines!
Boost Your Energy
Despite all the effort to reduce your workload, there may be days where too much is demanded of you. On such days, no amount of delegation and planning may work. What you may need on such times is the Best energy drink for the extra boost of energy to get down to work. Ditch those energy drinks and endless shots of coffee that do more harm than good. What works is an all-natural energy booster that’s organic and pure. Say hello to Organic CBD Nugs! Try the Lifter CBD hemp flowers – we absolutely swear by the wonders it can do to your energy levels! What’s more, it’s well-trimmed with absolutely no seeds or pesticides. Light up a bunch and watch that energy take over.
Let Go
Grant yourself the necessity of accepting things you cannot change. While you are swirling around giving your best in every possible role, there may be things that are absolutely not in your control. Letting go has the power of relieving you of mental stress and anxiety, unleashing energy reservoirs that are otherwise wasted on pointless worrying. Change what you can – let go of what you can’t, and watch a happier, more energetic YOU take charge.
The next time you observe yourself sinking into an abyss of endless chores and deadlines, indulge in the above advice and watch yourself get more productive and energetic. Trust us, it worked!