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As your children transition from diapers to daycare, what you need out of your home also will change. When you buy your first home, there is no way to predict what needs will arise.
Hiring a contractor is the preferred route for those looking to renovate or upgrade their home. However, this does not come without headaches. Contractors can be costly, unreliable, and for many moms, it’s a bit discomfiting to invite strangers into the home. Take a look at for great refresh to your home.
Luckily, there is a contractor who will listen to you every step of the way. That contractor is YOU!
In most states, a person can do minor home repairs on their own. But for major renovations, it is necessary to possess a contractor’s license. A contractor’s license can be necessary for projects with expenses above a certain amount (e.g. $10,000) or for rendering major changes to the infrastructure, such as the plumbing. Again, the laws around this vary state by state, so you’ll need to check the specific details for where you reside.
A contractor’s license might seem like a major obstacle to performing home repairs and renovations, but it’s not. A license only needs to be renewed every two years on average. With it, you can ensure that the work you want doing is carried out exactly how you want.
A contractor’s license has many perks. Keep reading below to see exactly how you can benefit from getting your contractor’s license.
Security and Peace of Mind
The best part about being your own contractor is the ability to do your own work. This is important because you no longer have to let strangers in your house all day while you are out and about on the town.
Having this sense of security goes a long way. For one, it ensures that you are comfortable and at ease while the work is being done. It also guarantees that your belongings and home will be safe during the project.
All this means peace of mind, allowing you to focus on your plan instead of worrying about who just walked through your kid’s bedroom door.
Make Your Own Plans
The biggest infighting between homeowners and contractors seems to be the initial set up of the proposed renovations. While the homeowner has one set of plans for their dream home, the contractor may propose alternate plans that they regard as more practical and efficient.
As your own contractor, this discussion goes right out the door along with the crew. You will have complete artistic license to design your home the way you feel fit. You’ll no longer need to convince someone to see the project your way.
Earn Some Money on the Side
Obtaining your contracting license won’t just benefit your home – it could allow you to pull in some extra cash every month.
With your license, you can approve and carry out plans, not just for your home but for other homes. This option means you could make a pretty penny in take-home pay.
With houses constantly needing renovations, repairs, or updates, there should be no issue finding friends who will need a contractor they know and trust to oversee their dream home construction.
Moving to Bigger and Better
Since your house is an investment, every renovation or repair will only increase the asking price for the time when you do need to sell. With your own contractor’s license, you no longer need to wait months to begin work. The time saved will allow you to finish more projects during your stay in your home.
When it does come time to sell, a license also means you’ll be able to provide certified proof that the renovations are up to code. This will secure the price that you are looking to obtain.
By obtaining a contractor’s license, you can ensure that your family will always be able to upgrade either your current home or move into a larger home with relative ease. Once you are in your new home, you can even begin the steps to redesigning that house as well.