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A date is a special state of mind. When you are full of energy, when there are a lot of new interesting people around you when you want to live, love and communicate. When you are royalty in every sense of the word – beautiful, cheerful, surrounded by dozens of nice people. But for some reason, many people think that dating is allowed only to young people who are not burdened with any liability. This is totally wrong. You can always go on dates. And today we will talk about how to meet people if you are over 30 and have children.

The most important thing here is sincerity. No need to hide children, or, which is already terrible, be ashamed of them. It is better to say straight ahead that you have it, but at the same time, kids don’t define you as a person and partner. Yes, they are important, but they are not everything.
It is most convenient in such a situation to date on the Internet. Try You can find the right person, create a pool of candidates, while not being too distracted from everyday worries. The presence of a child can be indicated on your page and at the same time it is not necessary every time to relive a conversation about having kids with new people, your profile is gonna say just enough.
All people can be divided into two groups: those who love children and those whom they annoy. It is easy to determine which of the two groups is your potential partner. Watch him or her in public places. Do they smile at children, do they talk to them, do children reach for them? Sometimes such an observation helps to clear up all doubts. But don’t fall into another dangerous pit. If only your kids are enchanted with a person, but not you yourself, a harmonious family will fail.</p>
Even if a person is in love with you, if he shows in every way kindness to your children, remember that he or she needs you first. Therefore, at the first stage, build your communication in a ratio of approximately 70/30: 70% of your meetings without children, 30% altogether.
It is also important what you do when meetings occur with children. If you walk romantically holding hands, and your child rolls on the bike in front, periodically breaking your idyll with any needs, this is not the best option. Try to come up with a plan that is interesting for everyone.
If you decide to live together with a new partner, don’t throw it on a kids head straightaway. Do some preliminary work. Try to find a good reason why you and your child will be better with this partner. There is nothing wrong with indicating a child’s personal benefit: there will be more games, more fun, more holiday presents. Do not be afraid to talk about your happiness, tell that adults feel happier together, less nervous, angry and sick.
At any age, it is important for the child to hear that he is most important to you, and if he feels bad because of living together with a new partner, you will not hesitate to break up with that person.
Before you decide to live together, do not forget to agree on the rules of everyday life. It is important to make every effort to avoid conflicting instructions (mom prohibits, new dad permits, or vice versa). The child must see unity in the requirements placed on him.
Do not worry, be confident and talk to your partner and your children honestly and with all possible love. And then you can create a new and harmonious family.