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Long flights can feel miserable. You’re cramped in one small space with a hundred strangers. Your back hurts from sitting too long. It feels like there’s not much you can do in those long hours inside the plane. Add in kids to the mix and you have yourself one hell of a disaster.

But, that’s only if you’re unprepared.
Thankfully, the internet has allowed us a look through some of people’s routines and techniques for surviving long flights. We’ve picked up a couple of great tips and thought we’d share it with you here. Here are some tips to make it less miserable, and more awesome instead.
1. Pack a bag for each child
As soon as your kid can manage, have them carry their own mini backpack. This is a great experience for them as they learn to pack things that are most valuable to them during travel. You want them to include items such as little toys, crayons, coloring books, and snacks. Things that keep them entertained throughout the trip.
It’s also makes it so they can easily access what they need instead of tugging at you at every second. Before your trip, inspect each child’s bag making sure they’re only bringing the essentials.
2. Bring your iPad or tablet
We get it. Too much screen time is bad for your kids. But you can make an exception when it’s a long haul flight. There’s times when nothing else will calm your child except for their favorite song from Frozen.
Some planes won’t have Wi-Fi so make sure to load your gadgets with your kid’s favorite songs, games, movies, and TV shows. There’s plenty of apps out there that’s specially designed for entertaining kids. And don’t forget headphones! Your kids may get a kick out of it but your fellow passengers won’t.
3. Fly at night
Nothing is more awesome than having a break from your kids even for just a few hours. What’s special about flying at night is that it helps you and your kid’s maintain your circadian rhythm. Sure you’ll feel jet lagged but it’s better dealing with your little one’s tantrums once you arrive at the all-inclusive hotel in the privacy of your room than in an airplane.
4. Pack your own snacks
Airplane food isn’t really the most appetizing. That’s why it’s important that you pack your own snacks when flying. You want to keep it healthy so include fruits, nuts, and crackers. Once in awhile, you want to reward your kids with a special treat for being good. Food is a great distraction and will keep your child happy throughout the flight.
5. Assume the worst
You probably didn’t expect this tip but when it comes to kids, you never know what’s going to happen. A way to make your flight awesome is by being prepared. Just assume that your flight won’t be as calm and smooth as you expected. This means you should pack items like wet wipes, meds, earplugs, their favorite cuddly toy, etc. Whatever it is they need, pack it. You know your family best so pack items which you know you will need.
Bonus tip: Reward good behavior
Long flights aren’t always the greatest but it’s still good to remind your child that travelling is a special thing. If they are being good during the flight, you want to reward them with special treats. Nothing fancy. Some you can get for a dollar at the supermarket. But the novelty will be enough to keep them happy. Just be sure to pick silent toys. Nothing loud and annoying like video games or flashing toy cars.
Which of these tips did you find helpful? Share your thoughts in the comments below.