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Giving your newborn baby its first bath can be both precious and nerve-wracking. In order to make the process go as smoothly as possible, be sure to educate yourself with the best tips on achieving this important milestone. For the first few weeks of life, you will want to simply give your little one a sponge bath. However, once it is time to give the baby a real bath, be sure to keep these tips in mind:
GET YOUR CAMERA READY: This is a special event that you will want to capture on film so be sure to have the camera ready to go. Because your attention will need to be completely focused on the baby, it is important to assign the memory capturing duties to somebody else.
USE A BATH SEAT: A baby bath seat is an invaluable tool when trying to wrangle an infant in the tub. During the first few months of life, the seat will provide stability and security for the baby. Once the infant gets a little older, the seat will help to keep squirmy babies in place so that you can properly clean them.
JUST USE WATER: While it may be tempting to use a variety of sweet-smelling baby shampoos and body washes, water is sufficient enough when bathing. The harsh scents and chemicals in many of these bath products can harm the baby’s delicate skin. Likewise, you also do not need to use baby lotion to soften the skin of a baby. It will only further irritate it.
KEEP ROOM WARM: Take care to wash your baby in a warm room. Keep in mind that babies are sensitive to even the slightest bit of temperature drops. Bathing the child in a room that is nice and toasty will ensure that the baby does not become fussy when it feels the cool air after the bath is complete.
PAT DRY: Because a baby’s skin is so delicate, it is important to gently pat the skin dry rather than aggressively rubbing it with the towel. Use a clean and soft towel and pat to wipe up the excess moisture.
CHOOSE THE MOOD WISELY: You cannot predict how your new baby will react to the feeling of a bath. To put yourself in the best position for success, be sure to choose a time in which the baby is in a good mood. For example, avoid giving baths when the baby is hungry or when it is almost naptime. Use the opportunity to bathe the child when it is in the best possible mood and most receptive to change.
AVOID SENSITIVE AREAS: Be sure to be extra gentle around sensitive areas such as the umbilical cord stump and recently circumcised penis.
Author Bio: Paige Jirsa- I work with Top10.Today, a shopping comparison site, where we strive to help consumers find the best quality and priced products.