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There is a lot to be aware of when you have a little one on the way. Bibs and car seats are just a fraction of it. Safety is a huge aspect to take into account when you’re expecting and truly the most important. Newborns are susceptible to a vast array of illnesses and large or unmanageable objects that could hurt them, which is why taking all the necessary precautions is a must. Here are some safety tips to keep in mind as you prepare for your little one.

Be Aware of Dangerous Chemicals in Baby Products and Food
Sometimes chemicals are put in products to increase longevity, color intensity, and many other purposes to boost their “quality”. Unfortunately, those same chemicals can be lethal and should not be exposed to humans on a regular basis.
In one circumstance that involved shower to shower absorbent body powder, Johnson & Johnson, one of the most notable brands of baby care, was found guilty of including talc in their product. Talc is a compound that can be dangerous when exposed to adults and children alike, and leaving products like that around a newborn can be extraordinarily compromising to their health.
Even some baby foods were also found to contain heavy metals as recently as 2017 by other big name brands. One thing is clear: whether the product is for the baby or even just near the baby, be fully aware of what is in said product and how it can affect your child.
Make Sure Your Newborn Is Sleeping Safely
Believe it or not, the most dangerous time of the day for your new baby is when they’re sleeping. Infants are especially susceptible to Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, or SIDS.
There are actions you can take. Some of these include lying them on their back, putting a pacifier in their mouth, and making sure that they do not oversleep.
Also, despite the tens of toys you’re bound to receive for your child from the baby shower, avoid putting things in their crib that could cover their face and suffocate them. Raising a newborn can be very tiresome, and you can’t be expected to watch over them even as they sleep. This is what makes their sleep preparation so important.
Additionally, avoid driving them a long distance, which could result in them falling asleep. Lying flat is very important to their health and safety, but it’s difficult to achieve in a moving vehicle.
Check for Car Safety
The dangers of driving know no bounds, and that is especially the case for babies. To make sure your newborn doesn’t get sick or harmed in any way, it is suggested that you don’t take your child out for several weeks or even months at first. This is not only to protect against the bacteria and unpredictable hardships of the world, but because ensuring the protection of your child in the car is a venture both stress-inducing and frightening.
Naturally, investing in a stable and efficient car seat is a wise decision to make. This is beneficial not only for the inevitable car rides but lest your baby needs to make emergency visits anywhere, to a hospital or otherwise.
Last Considerations
There is a lot to keep in mind when you have a baby. Everything they come into contact with should be safe, so they do not get sick or hurt. Because of that, “baby-proofing” your home and car is a massive undertaking.
Of course, standard tips and tricks like getting your child vaccinated are also imperative when protecting them from harm. Vaccines are specifically designed to prevent life-threatening diseases such as hepatitis B, pneumonia, polio, and many more.
Your newborn deserves to spend infancy safe, healthy, and happy, and they depend on you for those needs. That dependency, though, is the joy of parenthood, and it is just one of many things that make it all worth it.