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There is no doubt that all parents in the world want the best for their kids. They want their children to grow and become the person that they should be. Their love for them is absolutely unconditional. Unfortunately, most parents tend to neglect the importance of talking to their children about body safety. Or perhaps they do, but they do not really exert enough effort. They just think that their kids are still too young and, thus, do not require such learning. The idea of it is too scary for them. But what most parents are missing is that it does not have to be a scary conversation. Here are some of the things that could your kids be less vulnerable to all things sexual abuse.
Open Up About Body Parts Early
The point here is to name body parts and talk to your children about them. The earlier you do this in their life, the better it would be for them. All you have to do is proper names for body parts. If not, you can try teaching them about the actual words. Either way, it will help them understand and know if something inappropriate has happened.
Let Them Know That Some Body Parts Are Private
Once you have opened up with your kids about body parts, it is time you tell them which ones are called private. The idea is really simple: Tell them that these body parts are not for every people to see. Just explain it in a funny yet appropriate way. You do not have to go into details if you think it is uncomfortable. As long as you manage to convey the idea, it should work.
Teach Your Kids About Boundaries
This is where you need to tell your kids that no one, especially strangers, is allowed to touch them. In fact, it does not just have to be the private parts. Understand that people are not supposed to be “touchy” when it comes to kids. Remember this always: Sexual abuse usually starts with an exploiter trying to persuade the child to either touch them or someone else.
Tell Your Kids That Body Secrets Are Not Okay
In case you didn’t know, most perpetrators are fond of telling children to keep the abuse story a secret. And mind you, children will easily give in. Why? That is because these low-life creatures do it in a very friendly way. Hence, kids are easily misled. Your best course of action here is to tell your kids that no matter what people tell them, body secrets are not acceptable. They are not okay and that they should let you know if any of this happens.
Tell Your Kids That Taking Pictures Of Their Private Parts Is Not Okay
Believe it or not, this is where most parents fail. Remember that this world is full of pedophiles and sexual predators. This is the type of people who are into taking and trading photos of naked kids online. In fact, this epidemic is found across the world, and it always put any kid at risk. Start by educating your kids about why people should not take pictures of private parts. Just simply tell them that no one is allowed to take pictures of such body parts.
Let Your Kids Know That They Won’t Be In Trouble If They Tell You a Body Secret
Most kids nowadays opt to keep their mouth shut simply because they think it would get them into trouble. This is their default thinking. They believe that once they start talking about a body secret, they will be reprimanded or something. This is the kind of fear that sexual abusers are fond of using. Tell your child that regardless of what happens, they will never get in trouble.
If you or your kids are victims of sexual abuse, do not think twice and call the authorities. Here are more details for you!