This is a sponsored guest post. Whether it’s running your kids to school or getting ahead on future projects, for busy women, finding the time to do anything else is out of the question. Keeping up with your beauty routine is sometimes the last thing on your mind, and your skin is the one to suffer. Don’t fret—there are a few quick tricks to reduce this aging for all you busy women out there. The Effects of Stress & Aging on Skin Let’s start out with what’s happening to your skin first. When you get stressed your body, as a whole, goes through a few changes. The most important problem is a drop in your immune system. Your body becomes more susceptible to infection, and this can affect your skin by depleting it of its natural healing response. It can even lead to less oxygen flow. This, in turn, causes your skin to age prematurely and wrinkles start to form. Wrinkles like crow’s feet, forehead wrinkles, marionette lines, and frown lines all add age to our faces, and can even make us look like we’re in a constantly bad mood. Who wants that? So, try a few of these quick beauty tips to fight against those nasty aging and stress signs!
Stress Reduction—Breathe In, Breathe Out Being rushed for time doesn’t have to be the end for your skin. While stress can lead to premature wrinkles, blotchy skin, and other unpleasant effects that impact your overall skin health, the flip side of this is that reducing stress can greatly improve the elasticity of your skin to keep it looking youthful. One way to accomplish this is by allowing a few moments of silence and taking 3 long calm breaths. It may sound a little simple, but I promise you—it helps. Even taking a short 5-minute walk can make the hurriedness of the day fade away. If you have a little more time to spare then a 15-minute yoga session can do wonders. Or taking a trip and enjoying your time in Melbourne to relax. Not only will it de-stress but has the added benefit of loosening any tight muscles.
Moisture Is Your Friend Using a proper moisturizer can be just as helpful by keeping your skin hydrated. Just make sure you’re choosing the right moisture for your skin type, otherwise, you may just do more damage than good. If you have more oily skin, then a cream that is oil-free, lightweight, and non-comedogenic is the way to go. Non-comedogenic just means that it won’t clog pores. For dryer skin, finding a moisturizer that has a long-lasting effect is key. Sensitive skin needs to be soothed so one with oatmeal or aloe would work best for you.
Drink, Drink, Drink Keeping your body hydrated is another great way to help out your skin. Drinking plenty of water throughout the day can make your organs function at full capacity and this includes your largest organ- skin. It can minimize the number of age lines while also making you feel great.
Fill Out the Wrinkles Naturally Dermal fillers are injections that actually plump up skin in targeted areas and fill out those unwanted wrinkles. They can be natural or synthetic depending on what your preference is. If you’re strapped for time then this more natural treatment is the way for you. The results with dermal fillers in the Melbourne CBD are younger and healthier looking skin without taking much time out of your day. One treatment can last 6 to 18 months so you won’t have to take a break from your otherwise busy schedule. This filler is made from top quality ingredients that produce a soft tissue-like substance for long-lasting effects. Busy women everywhere can have the skin they deserve. Beauty routines don’t have to be something you put on your face every day. Using quick beauty techniques that better fit into your schedule can save you time, and help you keep up with your skincare routine. Your skin will thank you in the long run, and your confidence will make a packed calendar feel like a breeze.