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Writing a book on any topic is a challenging but also fulfilling and interesting task. This post shares thoughts that can help you start it well.
How to Start writing a Book
Having one’s name imprinted on a book cover is a fulfilling feat. Whether you are writing a hardcover book or an e-book, entering the world of published authorship is a rewarding achievement. However, true authorship does not come easy. Unless you are talking about the cheap and recycled pieces of copycat and me-too stuff doing rounds on the Internet, writing a book is not an easy task. From the start to the finish, the challenges of writing are numerous.
In fact, the hardest part of writing is not the drafting. On the contrary, what you do before you begin drafting is the hardest part. Because of this difficulty, this post will discuss how you can get over this stage so that you can put pen to paper and write your first book like a professional author. Keep on reading to discover nuggets that will enrich and polish your writing skills to begin your next manuscript on a stronger footing.
Begin with learning
He who wants to be read must also read others. Before you begin writing a book in any niche, it is wise to take time and read one or two authoritative articles or even books on how to write a book in that field. For instance, if you want to write on a popular area such as ‘Self Development’, it will be prudent if you did some research on how to write a book in this category. Also, after knowing how to write, take some time and look at the best books written by established writers your field of interest.
Select a niche and title
Before writing a book, you need to sit down and come up with a topic that suits your strengths and meets the needs of your readers. For example, it makes no sense for a medical professor to begin venturing into the world of writing about the law or civil engineer. You need to choose a niche that fits your personal strengths and interest so that you can write with passion without feeling that you are fulfilling an external assignment someone has laid on your shoulders. You should select a category and title that gives you the relish to explore and draft it freely and naturally.
If you approach your writing with the above mindset, your writing will be like what a thirsty man feels when they finally get that bottle of cold water down their throat. So, narrow your topic to a specific area that you can write comfortably. This way, you can exhaust your ideas without squeezing too much into one edition as if it were a death-and-life cure. For example, if you are interested in an area such as Self Development, you can narrow your book to a title such as Cultivating Self-discipline or The Power of Strategic Synergies.
Decide the length of the book
Another thing you need to do before writing a book is determining its length. You need to sit and decide how long you want the book to be. The length of the book will depend on the following factors:
- The kind of audience you are addressing: Different readers are comfortable with different lengths. If, for example, are writing to university students or professors, writing a book exceeding 1,000 pages would still be okay because you are writing for an audience whose primary engagement revolves around reading. However, if you are writing to show that average man or woman how to win good friends, you should limit your word count not to go beyond 500 pages.
- The topic you are writing on: The topic you are writing on will also determine the length of your book. If you are writing about things that people are mostly aware of, they might find it tedious reading through many pages of common knowledge. However, if you are writing about a new topic that they are not used to or a common topic with a fresh and unconventional approach, lengthening it will be advantageous because novelty creates curiosity, which further begets that desire to read on and on.
Identify and identify with your readers
Your readers are at the center of your book, so you need to identify and identify with them. To do that, you ought to know their needs, likes, and level of understanding so that you can tune your book to speak to them. This way, you will be in a better position to use a language they understand better.
Read wide and wild
Another pillar in the process of writing a good book is reading wide. You cannot write what you do not know, and hence, you need to research your topic widely and “wildly” to get sufficient materials to draft. You can use primary and published sources to draft your book. If you fail here, your book will lack credibility and authority.
Establish working targets
After determining your word count, you have to come up with a plan on how you will write down your book. You should determine how much research to do and how many pages to write per day, week, or month. In addition, you can set a specific time when you will be working on each section so that you can establish a stable and predictable routine.
Create an outline
Your outline is vital. It will help you to know where you will place your ideas and thoughts. Also, it will assist you in establishing order and organization. Lastly, your outline will assist you in drafting your timetable and setting your researching and writing goals.
Now, write your book
After fulfilling all points mentioned above, you are now ready to start writing your book. Make sure you write with your readers in mind and your goals for them.
Parting shot
There you have what you need to know before you start writing your book. So far, you have the power on your fingertips to up your book writing game. You can get further assistance in this area from Contact our team today.