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Think back on your day today. How much time did you spend indoors? About half of your day, or perhaps more? If your answer was yes, you’re not alone. On average, Americans spend about 90 percent of their time in indoor environments, and 65 percent of that is in their homes. That’s a lot of climate-controlled air we are breathing in. It’s no wonder a holiday in the mountains or at our favorite summertime beach is — quite literally — a breath of fresh air.
The startling truth is that indoor air pollutants are two to five times higher than outdoor air pollutants and are among the top five environmental risks to public health. While reducing the amount of time you spend indoors is not always a viable option, making sure your home has a high indoor air quality (IAQ) is.
In the infographic below, originally published by Air Experts Heating & Cooling, you will find facts and tips that can help keep your home’s IAQ top-notch. It offers useful information on just how exactly your air-conditioning system works, what air pollutants may affect you and your family, and products that specialists can install in your home’s HVAC system to produce cleaner air.
The next step? Take action. Even making small adjustments to your home such as changing air filters or grooming the dog more often to lessen pet dander can make big impacts on your home’s air quality. So breathe easy this year, and give the specialists at Air Experts a call today to make sure that you and your family are breathing only the highest quality air.
Also, check out this air purifying plants guide.