I participated in a campaign on behalf of Mom Central Consulting (#MC) for Mom Corps YOU. I received a free trial to facilitate my review and a promotional item as a thank you for participating.
Whether you are looking to re-enter the work force or are looking to switch jobs or hours, Mom Corps YOU has so much you can benefit from. I have partnered with MomCorps YOU to share all the great innovations and resources the site has to offer.
“Mom Corps, a national award-winning professional talent acquisition and career development firm, has launched Mom Corps YOU, an online community to help professionals better integrate their professional and personal lives.”
I have been enjoying Mom Corps YOU for a couple months now and I am loving all the great help and content it has for me. I really liked the ‘How to Build Your Personal Brand’ webinar about why building a personal brand is critical to your job search and learn a simple approach for creating your brand. I learned a lot from it that I will be incorporating now and in the future.
Some other great resources that are available from Mom Corps YOU:
‘Resumes That Get Results’ guide with tips that will help you prepare a great resume that will get noticed.
‘How to Get a Flexible Work Arrangement’ guide
‘Your Network is Your Net Worth’ webinar to learn more about how to build and leverage your network for job opportunities, career growth, counsel and more.
‘Ready, Set, Go: A Game Plan for Career Re-Entry’ webinar for tools and checklists to create and keep in mind for a successful game plan for re-launching into a career that fits with your personal life demands.
I love that they offer live events and webinars and record them for play back later if you can’t attend. They even have articles that I find helpful for my family and household responsibilities.
Getting real time advice and feedback during a job search can be crucial for success, but career counselors can charge hundreds of dollars an hour. With the live chat feature, members can talk in real time to get career coaching on starting their job searches, structuring their resumes, following up on interviews, etc.
Mom Corps YOU is available via an online subscription for an introductory annual price of $99.99 or $19.99 a month. Visit MomCorpsYOU.com to sign up today!
Mom Corps YOU gets Bragging Rights!