Dear Bragging Mommy Readers,
I am here to tell you about one amazing mommy! Her name is Janette Andersen. She is 28 years old and currently battling leukemia and has to undergo a bone marrow transplant in the middle of May. She has two beautiful little boys and a amazing husband that need her. Unfortunately Janette’s journey is going to be a ongoing battle that requires a lot of prayer and money.
So we are holding a fundraiser for her in Brigham City, UT on May 4th at Box Elder High School. We will be doing a silent auction and allowing people to set up booths. If you send a donation you can send business cards we’ll display with it. We will also have entertainment, (a singing group, dance company, DJ etc.) We will have food and a carnival for the kids. If you are too far away and cannot attend but would like to donate something to be auctioned off or if you’re close and would like to set up a booth for advertising and donate something please contact Brandie at:
If you would like to read more about her story or make a donation you can go here:
Thank you so much The Bragging Mommy for being willing to jump on board a great cause and help to take care of another MOMMY!!