When you think about it the bathrooms in our homes don’t get enough credit. Sometimes that bathroom is the only place where a mom can get some alone time & peace and quiet. I know we couldn’t live without them!
Clorox has created a place for moms to visit to get their daily dose of comedy, The Clorox Lounge. It’s host is Sherri Shepherd, comedian, actress and mom. It features hilarious anecdotes, fun contests, exciting give-a-ways, coupons and just the right amount of comic relief.
In the Lounge they are holding a Last Comic Sitting Competition and Sweepstakes beginning February 27, 2012. You can win $10,000! Just visit TheCloroxLounge.com to sign up and be automatically entered to win the top prize.
As a mom I think we find ourselves resorting to some crazy parenting tactics and tricks. Whether it’s to avoid a tantrum, trick them into doing something they don’t want to do, or just to get a moment of quiet we always resort to them. Here are some of my favorite and most used tactics and tricks:
The power of distraction– As a mom I have found my powers of distraction to be strong! When the kids are scared of something I like to find a way to distract them from their fears by focusing their minds on something else. It is a great way to help them overcome their fears. This also works great when your child is mad. I love to say “No smiling, and no laughing. I mean it!” This usually breaks them down to a smile or giggle. Sometimes I add a little tickle as well. It usually snaps them right out of their foul mood.
The good old fashioned switch-a-roo– This doesn’t work once they are older, but if you have a baby or toddler this is a good one. When they have something you don’t want them to have but you know screaming will ensue when you take it away. Simply switch it for something else. Problem solved, they are happy, you are happy. Win win.
Hide it and they will eat it– One of my biggest battles as a mom is to get my kids to eat their vegetables. They just flip out at the sight of a new veggie, (they get their dramatic side from me). So I have found a great way to hide veggies in their meals is by chopping them up in a blender or food processor and then add them into other foods. Cauliflower is awesome because of it’s color it can go completely undetected. A lot of times they find it fun that a food is a different color, for example: Mashed potatoes with an addition of brocolli (blended) turns them green. Fun for St. Patrick’s day or Dr. Seuss Day.
We do what we have to do as moms. I would love to hear all your crazy parenting tactics and tricks (so I can use them as well). Us moms have to stick together on this 🙂
I wrote this blog post while participating in the SocialMoms and Clorox® blogging program, for 8,000 My SocialMoms Rewards Points. For more information on how you can participate, click here.